Chapter 2

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(Kevin's POV)

"This is Kelsey, our new neighbor. She came over to welcome us to the neighborhood and Kevin invited her in." Joe said, beating me to the answer. He then went and sat on the couch in between Frankie and Nick.

"Cool, Hi Kelsey, I'm Nick and this is Frankie but I bet you already knew that. Would you like to sit down?" Nick said, trying to read my expression. It was probably written all over my face that I was in love with her. I led her over to the loveseat and she sat down. After I was sure that she was comfortable I sat next to her.

We started to talk about random stuff and I realized how much I had in common with Kelsey. We both believed in love at first sight, well of course I do since I fell in love with her that quickly. We both loved music, I'm a musician hello! Green is our favorite color and we both love rocky road ice cream. After us talking for awhile Frankie got up because he was bored with us talking.

Without thinking, I put my arm around Kelsey's shoulders. Joe cleared his throat to get me to look up at him so I did. I followed his gaze as he looked from my arm to me, signaling for me to move it. I looked back at him my eyes apologizing as I moved my arm from around Kelsey. Nick and Kelsey were both unfazed by our silent conversation.

"Uhh, where is the bathroom?" Kelsey asked. I stood up and so did she. I led her down the short hallway to the bathroom door, and stopped her before she could go in.

"I'm sorry about putting my arm around you just a minute ago. It didn't make you uncomfortable did it?" I really hoped that it didn't.

She shook her head. "No, not at all. To tell you the truth I actually liked it." She looked down and went into the bathroom. My face was growing hot.

I went back to the living room and sat down in my previous spot. Joe looked up at me. "Dude, what was that about? You barley know her, she's not Angela you know."

That did it. I stood up and started to yell at him. "How dare you mention Angela, Joe! You know that I don't like talking about her. After what she did to me," I shook my head, "I can't believe you." I sank back down into the loveseat, tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

Joe got up and sat next to me, "Hey Kevin, I'm sorry. You know I didn't want to bring her up, but I kinda had to. Listen let's just forget about everything that I said, and make up. I hate staying mad at you."

I sighed. "Fine, your forgiven, and I'm sorry for going off on you." Joe patted my shoulder and then got up to sit next to Nick again. Right as Joe sat down Kelsey walked into the room and took her seat right next to me again.

(Kelsey's POV)

"I'm sorry about putting my arm around you just a minute ago. It didn't make you uncomfortable did it?"

I shook my head. "No, not at all. To tell you the truth I actually liked it." I looked down, embarrassed, and went into the bathroom. I sat on the counter and texted my mom.

'Hey mom, I'm going 2 stay awhile'

'okay but when they ask u 2 leave, leave'

'K, I will, bye'


I put my phone away and went back out to where the brothers were. I sat down in my previous seat.

"Hey Kelsey, do you want to see my room?" Joe asked me. I nodded and followed Joe to his room. Once we were inside Joe closed the door. "Sorry about Kevin, Kelsey. I don't know what is up with him today. Just the way he looks at you, it's weird. Do you want me to tell him to layoff? I can if you want." By the way he sounded when he spoke, he seemed concerned about his older brother.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell him to layoff. It's okay if he puts his arm around me, it doesn't bother me."

Joe nodded. "Okay, I just wanted to make sure that it was okay with you." He opened his door and walked out, I followed him. As we walked into the room Kevin stood up. He grabbed my hand and took me into his room. At first I was confused. Where could his room be? The house had only four bedrooms and there were five needed. Then he led me through the laundry room to the garage. He opened the door.

(Kevin's POV)

"Hey Kelsey, do you want to see my room?" Joe said. Kelsey nodded her head and followed Joe to his room. Once they had left the room I went to sit next to Nick.

"Nick, I don't understand, why is Joe so mad at me all of a sudden? I accidently put my arm around her and he goes off on me and talks about Angela. He knows that whenever someone brings up Angela I get mad."

Nick shrugged. "Kev, I don't know what's wrong with Joe, but I can tell that you like her. I can see it in the way that you look at her. Not that you really need it or anything, but I approve of her. I think that you and her would make a really cute couple. She seems like a really sweet girl."

"Yeah, she does doesn't she? Don't tell anyone but when I saw her it was love at first sight." I can't believe that I just told Nick that. Wow, I must be going crazy.

"Wow." Was all Nick could say. Kelsey and Joe walked into the room and I got up to show Kelsey my room. Since the house we had bought only had four bedrooms we had to convert our garage into my bedroom. I didn't care thought, because it gave me my own space sorta away from everyone else. I could also use the garage door to enter and exit my room.

We had put in white shag carpet and painted the walls red.

My bed was covered in a black comforter with two white circular throw pillows on top.

"Oh my gosh! I love your room! I love how you took the garage and made it into the perfect bachelor's pad. Wait, you are a bachelor, right? Completely single?" She asked me. Hopefully I'm not for too much longer.

I laughed. "Yup, I'm single. So do you really like it?"

"Of course I do." She looked at my face, studying my expression. "Kev, do you need to tell me something?" She said, her voice filled with curiosity.

I moved across my room silently, feeling the plush carpet underneath my bare feet. I have to get this off of my chest, and it's now or never. I sat down on the black suede comforter, and patted the bed next to me. Without a word she moved across my room and sat on the bed.

I took a deep breath and spoke. "This is really complicated. I like you, but I'm getting a bad vibe from Joe. Nick knows that I like you and he said that he's cool with it. But I have no clue what is wrong with Joe. Do you know?"

She shook her head. "Sorry Kev, but I don't. All I know is that he thinks that you are acting strangely, he's concerned." Okay, one question down, the most important one left.

"Kels, can I ask you one more question?"


"You know that I like you, but I need to know, do you like me back?" I braced myself for a no, while hoping that it would be a yes.

She took my hand in hers. "Kevin, I have been dreaming for a long time that I would meet you, sometimes I even had dreams that you moved next door. Yeah, I like your brothers but I have always liked you more."

"So is that a yes?" I asked, pretty sure that it was.

She nodded her head. "Yes that was a yes." I pulled her into my arms giving her a huge teddy bear hug, and she hugged me back. Thank god she likes me back, I thought to myself.

"So does this mean that I am your girlfriend?" She asked me.

"Only if you want to be, or is this taking things to fast? We can slow down if you want and take things slower."

"I think we are taking things at the perfect speed. And yes, I do want to be your girlfriend." She hugged me again, as we stood up to go back to where my brothers were.

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