Chapter 2

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I ended up passing out on the couch. I heard my blasting alarm in the other room. My mom already was up.

Sarah groaned, she was in the chair also in my living room. She got up and put on her clothes. I did the same and touched up my makeup.

We put my cat in his carrier and hurried out the door and filed into the car. When we got to the airport, Sarah's family was already there. When we got to my gate we started to say our goodbyes.

I started with Sarah's parents. They teared up a bit when I hugged them.

Then I went on to Ryan. When we hugged I took in his scent. I didn't like him enough to actually like him, it's just he's cute, that's all.

Then I moved on to Sarah, she hugged me tightly. And I hugged her back. I didn't want it to end, but sadly it had to. "I love you!!" I said. "Ugh, I love you too!" Hopefully we can see each other soon. I really am gonna miss her. We pulled apart because it was time for me to board the plane.

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