Chapter 3

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“What are you talking about?” Andrew asked in shock.

“Those androids saw you.  Whoever sent them knows that you’ve been in here.”

“And how does that translate to me not being able to leave?”

“That one android got away.  That means that one of the Big Three, and possibly all of them eventually, will target you as a way to reach me.”

“That doesn’t make any sense!” Andrew shouted, feeling overwhelmed and cornered.

“It does.  Calm down, Andrew, you’re a detective.  Act like one,” Veda reprimanded sharply.  “Now listen carefully and consider what I’m saying.  I tried to keep both androids from escaping so that you’d be protected.  Unfortunately, they’ve updated their model since the last time this happened so one got away this time.  Since you’ve been in my house and no one else has been for ages, as far as they know, you’re a possible source of information.  The fact that you saw my CRAS models also lends itself to that theory. “

“A what model?” Andrew interrupted.

“Canine Replacement Android Soldier.”  Veda looked pointedly at him for cutting her off.  “As I was saying, any one of the Big Three will detain you for information about what kind of technologies I have.  They’ve seen glimpses from the information their past androids relayed to them, but you know more about the inner sanctum.  And indeed, you have seen Demir’s room, so that’s valuable enough.  And if that doesn’t work out to their satisfaction, they could blackmail me with you.”


“They could threaten to kill you unless I go to work for whoever has you hostage.”

Andrew slumped back against the sofa, feeling trapped, like a mouse caught in a game played by cats.  No, not housecats, he thought.  Lions.  Tigers.  Panthers.  The big, scary kinds of cats. 

“But that doesn’t completely explain why I can’t leave.  I know that you would probably prefer me alive, not dead, but them killing me could end up as their downfall.  And even if it didn’t, I’m not someone you cherish.  If I died, you wouldn’t be all that worse off.  And I can’t tell them that much.  You have an insane security system and a super advanced CPU here.  Big deal – they probably figured as much anyways.  So what do I have on you that could threaten you that bad?”

“I’d be sad if you died!” Sam cried, running headlong at Andrew and crashing into him, wrapping his thin, delicate arms around Andrew’s knees. 

“He’s why,” Veda whispered.

“Excuse me?”

“Since you’re not going anywhere without me or an envoy of my robots, I may as well tell you,” Veda said, her voice heavy and somber.  “Sam is the reason why I never wanted you in this house to begin with.  It’s the real reason why I never leave.”

“Veda, he may seem a little weak, but he can’t be that dainty,” Andrew said with a nervous laugh, rubbing his hand over Sam’s tiny head affectionately. 

“That’s not why, Andrew.  Sam is stronger than you are when it comes down to it.  Your bones would break before his.”

“Why?  You always have an ‘envoy’ or robots around him too?” Andrew joked, trying to shake off the nervous feeling Veda was giving him.

“Want to know why I named him Sam?”

“You have an affinity for ancient prophets?”

“No.  It’s short for Simulated Anatomical Model.”

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