Fabian x Teacher reader

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It was that time of year, that everyone hated, even the teacher. THE EXAM SESSION!!! Which was strange. Usually teacher kind of liked to see their student to suffer, well that what the most people think. BUT NOT FOR YOU! You (y/n) (L/n). As a teacher of Zoo Phoenix Academy, you were filled with homework's to grade, prepare exams and teach your student for them to pass. You were exhausted, it was a month that you didn't sleep, didn't eat well. Each morning you were drinking at big cup of coffee to give you energy which did but at the end of the day all you wanted is going to bed but you couldn't because of that FREAKING INSOMNIA you were having!! All the teachers were concern everybody but not Fabian, he was your best friend and crush...? and you didn't want to bother him. Anyway, most of the academy staff were telling you to take one or two days off but they didn't understand those grades wouldn't make themselves.

Right now, its morning a beautiful one but everything last with a little sound. You growled and cursed under your breath. Now, you were pissed off so much that you literately throw your alarm clock to the wall. As much as you didn't want you had to get up and make yourself a coffee to at least survive today. You prayed god that today will be an easy day but then you checked which class you were going to teach. How I must put this.... hmmm THE WORST CLASS EVER!

Imagine having student that didn't listen to you, they were screaming, eating, and interrupting your class with whatever they were though was important to share. Most of the people wouldn't understand, that's happening in every classes. Well triple it, and you will see it's painful.

You were going to the bus station to take your way to school with the coffee in your hand and wearing (f/c) (favorite color) blouse with a jacket and blue jeans.

(time skip)

There you are, in front of the school entrance " Welcome to hell." you whispered. Student passed by you scared to be late to class, some where just happy to see there friend again, some to see their boyfriend or girlfriend and some just wanted to finish this as soon as possible and go back home

" I heard that. " said a smooth voice that you totally recognize.

" Fabian, great to see you too." after you said that you both chuckle, it was like a tradition for you two be sarcastic when on of you have a rough day. As you both started talking, you notice that you started walking down the teachers room.

"So, who are you teaching today Fabian?" You asked kind of hopping that he could replace you for today.

" Ah! A lovely class, you know the 410 group?" He smiled... 'Ah he has a cute smile.' you were thinking inside your head.

" Ah those ones, yea they are calm..." Wow well what now (y/n), gosh why did it became so difficult to talk to him! You see (y/n) and Fabian were close friends since primary school and too (y/n) Fabian was nothing but a friend but since the years passed he became her first crush and last. But one day everything changes. That day was the worst of her day.

in the past

" Fabian? Fabian, where are you?" You screamed at the top of your lungs as everybody looked at you and thought that you were some kind of crazy chick looking for her pet. But that stupid pet was your best friend.

"(Y/n) could you stop screaming please, people are looking at you" Said Zechariah trying at least keep his could and not sound irritated. (Oups did a forgot to tell you Zechariah is one of your best friend too)

"Oh, sorry Zech, didn't mean to disturb your coolness" You said while rolling your eyes.

" *sigh* Forget it (y/n) you are never going to find him, he is probably doing some ... stuff!" By that he means drugs. (please don't do drugs.)

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