ch. 10

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I sit for at least 20 minutes, trying to regain my breath, lower my heart rate. I stand up with pain shooting through my right leg. I manage to make my way upstairs and into my room. I slip off the shorts i have on and slowly pull up a pair of jeans, groaning through gritted teeth as the corse fabric rubs against the burn. Once up and fastened i grab a few pairs of jeans and shirts and shove them into my backpack. My head is fit to burst as I pack my bags. He'll find me. He'll keep me here. He'll do worse to me he'll.....

he'll rot in hell Hope, but you can't let him drag you down with him

Everything gets clearer, I take a deep breath. Any moment now....any moment now and I'll do it, I've got to.

I make my way down the stairs slowly and quietly, slip on my shoes and walk towards the door. I pull the handle.


I go towards the back door, also locked. I dont know where they keys are. I sit on the bottom step in defeat.

Hope you need to get out. You can't stay

I stand up and walk over to a shelf, it has a few heavy statues on it. Maybe i can break the lock mechinism in the handle if i hit it hard enough. I pick up what feels lile the strongest and heaviest statue. I walk over to the back door and using all my strength i hit the handle, it breaks a little. Maybe another hit. I swing again and the hand falls off, the door opening slightly. I suddenly realise how loud that noise was and immediately bolt out of the door. Im scared to look back because


Im running. I dont know these streets at all, especially not in the darkness. But he does... I stop after running for about 10 minutes. I clutch my leg, its burning. The area is damp. I use the torch on my phone and look at my hand, blood. I cry out in pain. Emotional and physical. Im tired, my chest hurts. The only thing that led me to run for so long being fear and adrenaline. I sit on a wall, my breathing heavy, sweat dripping down my forehead. I need to keep going. I stand up and start to walk, well limp. My leg is sore and probably still bleeding. I suddenly hear fotsteps behind me, theyre in a sort of rythm. I turn over my shoulder and see a figure jogging towards me. My heart speeds up but im too tired and sore to run anymore. I keep my head down low bracing to meet my nightmare or for this to pass by quickly.

"Hey. What are you doing out at this time of night?" A voice asks from beside me. Its the jogger

I look at him. He has a concerned look on his face, hes a bit puffed. I guess i didn't realise how this circumstance looked to anyone on the outside. A young girl limping her way through the streets at 11:00pm

"Oh...i-im" another sharp pain shoots through my thigh to which i immidiately grab it and hunch over " just...on a walk" i can feel tears brimming my eyes

"At this time of night?" The guy asks

Please just go away

"Whats wrong with your leg sweetheart?" He asks, placing a hand on my shoulder

"N-nothing. Cramp. Ive been walking for a while okay?" I say, agitated from the pain and the fact that this guy wont leave

"How long have you been walking?" He asks. Damn he doesn't give up does he

"I-i dont know. Maybe half an hour or so...I've lost track of time" i say, pulling my hand away from my thigh

"What the fuck" the guy suddenly says, grabbing my hand gently

"You're bleeding" he looks at my face "it's not a cramp is it?"

Tears roll down my cheeks, i can't hold it back, i shake my head. I look at this guyas he tuts and thinks for a moment. You know, something about his face seems familiar, but i haven't seen him around. I feel really welcomed by him, he has a trustful face, it makes me happy to see someone with genuine concern.

Babygirl~ Andy Biersack Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon