ch. 9

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Hope's P.O.V

Its a few weeks after what happened. Well i say a few, exactly two. Ive been counting the days until i feel safe again. So far, no avail. Currently we are driving home from a shopping day out. "A day for daddy and his baby" as Andy worded it this morning. The car is quiet, not uncomfortable but definetly not comfortable.

"So did you like the new underwear set I brought for you babygirl" he asks, not taking his eyes off of the road

"Yes thank you, its very pretty" which it is. Baby pink lace body suit with knee high tights

"Good. I want to see you in it tonight" his eyes still haven't left the road but his voice deepens

"Andy i dont really wann-"

Im cut off by a glare. I shut up

"Yes daddy. Whatever you say daddy" i reply as i lower my head a little, i guess in shame or maybe so my eyes dont have to meet his

"Good girl" his voice perks up a bit. The sick fuck

We arrive home and i immediately go upstairs to my room. Andy doesn't say anything to object so i assume theres no problem. I walk into my room and close the door, locking it from the inside. Andy had a lock installed on my door but i found the key so i can lock it from my side and feel safe.. ish

As i sit, my mind starts to wander down the rabbit hole. I can imagine the Cheshire cat smiling at me but his face turns to andys. This aint no wonderland. A knock at the door brings me out of my thoughts

"Hey, baby girl? Do you want to come down and watch some cartoons while i cook dinner?" Andy asks from the otherside of my door

"Uh..yeah, sure"

I take a moment before standing up and unlocking my door. Andy is there smiling. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and brings me downstairs with him. I sit downstairs watching adventure time as andy cooks. I cant keep my mind off of the urge to leave, to run away again

"Hope, dinner is ready" andy calls from the kitchen

I stand up and walk through to the kitchen. Hes made lasagne, my favourite. I smile a little as i sit down

"Looks nice" he smiles proudly

"I know you do but what about the food?" He smirks, taking a seat

I roll my eyes playfully and tuck in. Andy is a good cook. A few minutes into stuffing my face, my phone goes off.

*one new facebook request*
Amelia Hert

I recognise that name. I click on the profile. The girl has long blonde hair and green eyes. Amelia...amelia. holy shit!

I immediately accept.


It was summer. 4 years ago i was in amelias garden in their tree house for the last time. They were moving

"Amelia, come on sweetie" her mum called from inside

We both ran inside, amelia picked up her bag.

"Ill see you soon. And we'll speak every day" she says

"Promise?" I ask as i follow them out

"Thats what best friends are for"

*end of flashback*

I snap out of my thoughts to a message coming through

"Hey. Dont know if you remember me. Its amelia, we used to live next door to each other"

I smile and go to type back but andy clears his throat

"Who you talking to babygirl?"

I look up from my phone "oh uh, no one" i look back down at my phone

"I asked you a question babygirl and i expect the truthful answer" andy says, his voice growing deeper

"An old friend of mine" i say, putting my phone in my pocket

"And how do you know him?" He asks, leaning into the table

"One. SHE used to live next to me and two. Why are you fucking questioning me so much" i say but immediately regret it as andys eyes grow darker

"What the fuck. Did you just say to me you little slut" he spits, standing up

I dont know what to say "i-i"

"Save it" he growls before grabbing my wrist and dragging me into the living room, he turns the lights off. The only light now coming from the fire.

"Andy...please" i whisper as he pushes me onto the couch

He raises his hand and strikes my cheek with the back of it "dont 'andy please' me you fucking bitch. This is what you deserve for being a deceiving little cunt" he spits venom with his words

I stare at him. Im not even sure if im crying anymore. I don't think i can. He's staring at me, breathing heavily.

"You are such a fucking whore." He laughs "probably talking to so many other men" he says in a quiet tone as his hand wraps around my throat. "But you're all fucking mine" he squeezes "aren't you"

His hand around my throat is so tight i cant even nod or splutter out a 'yes'. I feel dizzy, my brain is pushing its self against my skull. Andy smiles and squeezes tighter, and tighter until my vision starts to go dark. My eyes roll to the back of my head, im too weak to push him away. I can't see anymore, i feel as if im about to pass out. Suddenly the pressure is released, i gasp for air, the blood rushing back to my head makes me limp.

"Baby, you look so pathetic" andy snarls, gripping onto my hair and forcing me to look at him

"Im not even going to fuck your useless holes since you're so much of a slut" he stands away from me

"Andy, i haven-" i start but another strike hits my cheek

"Talking back?" He tuts, walking towards the fire

He then looks back at me over his shoulder and smirks before leaving the room for a moment. Im left, scared. My neck hurts and my head is killing me...i just want this all to end. Andy soon comes back with a rope. He's smiling

"You know the drill" he grabs my hands, tying them together and he also ties my ankles.

"No running you slut" he chuckles as he walks towards the fire. And he pulls out the poker, which i can see is white hot

He comes towards me as my hands are tied. I cant protect myself. The poker he pulled out from the fire has been bent. It looks kind of like a capital A. He gets closer and i can feel the heat "ive told you babygirl. You. Are. Mine" suddenly there is pain in my thigh, an odd burning smell. The hiss of the metal, the pain, i lose control of my vocal cords, i cant scream as I feels something surging through my powerless and defenceless body from my thigh up to brain Everything goes numb as andy pulls away. My leg is shaking. I look down, seeing a capital A branded into my skin, blistering and red.

Andy watches me as i sob for a moment before un-tying me.

"I do this because i love you babygirl and i want you to be mine forever because i couldn't bare to lose you" he whispers as he un-ties my ankles.

He looks up at me and kisses my forehead before walking out, leaving me sobbing. In horrific pain. The only way out i can think is death.. could've been even more than that


“Hey, sorry I was having food and had to clear up after myself, Dad’s can be so overbearing huh?”

The words barely escape my mouth as tears stream down my cheeks

“What’s that?” She asks. “I can barely hear you....wait you sound like you’re crying, Hope...are you okay?”

“Amelia....I-I, I....I’m so scared”

Babygirl~ Andy Biersack Where stories live. Discover now