The Hungry Games P.11

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"Slim, are you ok?" I said with a very concerned voice. "Yeah.Why did you come? " She said rubbing her head. "Well , Peeta and I came to talk about a three person person alliance with you . You in or nah?" I said, Peeta standing over my shoulder "Yeah." We sealed our three person alliance with a three person handshake. Peeta and I walked out and went opposite ways. I walked to my house , but I felt like I was being watched . I stopped walking , look around me . It was dark in the stadium why would I even try and look around . I can barely see where I was going. I'm tired, delusional I need some rest! That's all! I got to my house , sat on my bed , took of my boots, and lye in my bed, paint gun on back. I can't go to sleep. I Still feel like I'm being watched . Bang! Someone broke into my house ! My door was wide open. With a black figure standing in the door, I couldn't make out who it was in the dark light. I rolled out of my bed and scrambled on the floor to find a flashlight. I found it! When I turned it on , I shined it and it was the weave lady. "Three person alliance huh. I told you to stay out of my way. " She said with a stern voice . "What ever. " I shot her with my paintgun. Then Peeta walked in . " Hey Fatniss , he shot me with his paint gun. BANG! I fell to the ground . "Peeta you lied to me !" Our alliance !" I yelled to him. "Yeah, um I lied.Its just the game sweety ." He walked ,away . I layed there in disbelief . He lied. Peeta lied to me . If I find him I swear I will get him. Then I heard a BANG! Then Slim ran in and yelled , "I Won !"

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