What's New (Old Friends II)

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Prompt 5! Continuation of Old Friends! Please read Old Friends oneshot before this one.

Sváss - beloved

Disclaimer: I don't own brave or httyd


What's New (Old Friends II)

Merida couldn't keep the flush from spreading across her face at the intimate way Hiccup addressed her. She didn't know Norse, but remembering her dream, his younger self addressed her with the endearment just as affectionately as he was now. Elinor coughed, attempting to get over her own shock at Hiccup's arrival. He was a lot different than the scrawny boy who would follow her daughter another as she created mischief.

However, despite his new look, she could still see traces of the young boy in this grown-up Hiccup for the look of adoration as he looked at Merida was the same as it was when he was a boy.

"Well, Hiccup... we haven't really sent ye an invitation..." Elinor began, trying to stop the impending riot among the lords of this new challenger that was obviously leagues ahead of their sons.

"I understand I wasn't officially invited, Your Majesty." Hiccup told her politely. "But I made a promise years ago and I intend to keep it, with or without your permission." The determination in his tone made Elinor see how he was able to be a chief at such a young age. His tribe stood straight, presenting they stood in unity with their chief.

Promise...? Wait! Is he talking about— Merida's blush returned tenfold, remembering her dream of a little Viking boy promising her he'd marry her when they were old enough. As if Hiccup could sense her thoughts, he glanced at her with a teasing smirk. Merida huffed, crossing her arms—she wouldn't let this Viking fluster her no matter how charming he was! Her attitude seemed to make him amused as he tried to contain laughter, mirth glinting in his eyes as he gazed upon her.

"Don't be daft, Elinor! Let the boy compete! What's wrong with some healthy competition?" Fergus chimed in, bouncing in his seat. Truth be told, he remembered the young Hiccup and how he treated Merida so kindly and tenderly that it swayed Fergus to root for the lad. He could see Hiccup was sincere in his affections for Merida even after all this time, and he was definitely more competent than the lords' sons. If Hiccup made his daughter happy, he would welcome the Viking on the throne.

"King Fergus, with all due respect, he is a Viking—"

"Who was childhood best friends with my daughter when they were young. He has a right just like yer sons to try for Merida's hand." Fergus interrupted the lords, pleased he accomplished something. Elinor sighed, knowing what side her husband was on, and gazed upon Hiccup, seeing his earnest determination to try to win her daughter's hand, and she saw how Merida was reacting to Hiccup and how Hiccup was acting with her.

She couldn't take away Merida's chance at happiness...

"Very well, Hiccup, ye are allowed to compete for the Princess's hand." Elinor conceded.

"To ask her you mean." Hiccup corrected. Elinor, Merida, and everyone else besides the Vikings blinked.

"Pardon?" Elinor asked, confused. Hiccup smiled.

"If I win, I intend to ask for her hand in marriage, Your Majesty." Hiccup explained. "If I win and ask her and she says yes, I'll make her the happiest woman in the world, but if she says no, I will continue to support her and swear fealty to her when she becomes queen. I refuse to force Merida into an unhappy marriage." The chief vowed, his tone leaving no room for argument. The other clansmen gawked at him.

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