Just a dream....

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~I kept searching and searching ,but couldn't find it~

"This diary is so important because you have it since childhood and all your purposes and life is written there"

•No! No! NO! OMG,Now where should i look for?! ...Aish I'm so stupid, i just ran all the way!! and it may have fell off my bag ...Well after the first period is finished ,me and bff/n must go and search for everywhere no matter i skip school, although i wrote on the first page that whoever found it would call my number and to not look inside it ,and i hope the one have it now doesn't look inside.... Aishhhhh i just changed my phone number a week ago!!

~I was so frustraited and upset then the bell rang and i went inside sitting beside my best friend~

"Bff/n = your best friend's name"
"And she has been your best friend since kindergarden~

Bff/n: Hey my bitch, what's up?

~I couldn't answer her as i was very sad~

Bff/n: What's wrong Y/n?

•What do you think happened?

Bff/n: Ummm you asked out someone and they rejected you?..

•No idiot, I lost my diary!...

Bff/n: WHAT?! Wow!! How?

•I guess when i was running, it fell from my bag...

Bff/n: Did you maybe left it at home?

•No! i told you that i bring it anywhere with me and my unlucky life and fortune is disappeared now...

Bff/n: No one would look inside it would it?

•I bet anyone do..

Bff/n: Well, i don't know what shall we do...

•Yup i'm doomed....

Bff/n: but they will call you if they found it because you just wrote there..

•When? ,after they read all of the pages and got A+ passed exams on my life?

~Bff/n looked down helplessly as i got more sad~

•And by the way, i changed my phone number a week ago.....

~We became silent for some time ,but bff/n broke it~

Bff/n: Come on, let's not think negatively, we have to be positive alright?

~I looked up at her~

•We gotta go find it!

Bff/n: Yup! Let's go!

~We skipped school and went down the whole street, looking everywhere~

•Oh god.... i'm So So doomed!! I can't find it anywhere!!

~Then bff/n ran to me and breathing heavily as i looked at her for an answer~

Bff/n: Nope! Not anywhere, i have searched from the way of your home down to school

•That means.....

~Bff/n patted my back then hugged me while confronting me~

Bff/n: It's okay, It's not like the end of the world

•Yes for me...

Bff/n: Just stay positive, I'm sure that it won't get that bad, like maybe the one who found it and took it is a good person but then..... i don't know what i must do to make you smile

~I smiled to her and she smiled back~

•Thank you for helping me my bitch

Bff/n: Anytime, now let's go eat something, i'll pay for it!

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