I feel happy

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Chapter 13

Jill's POV

I'm now on my way to my house to gather some things for tonight.

"Molly. I'm going to Ashton's house!" I yelled getting my bag together.

"Boy or girl? You know what? it doesn't really matter. You have fun sweetie." she yelled over her blasting music.

Once I was done I ran to her house following the instructions she have to me.

I rang the doorbell and waited. It's a fairly large house. It's grey with white shudders. I was soon greeted by barks from a rather large dog and a not so large Ashton.

Ashton has sort of a golden dirty blonde hair, to me anyways. She might think differently.

"Jill!" she exclaimed and hugged me.

I hugged back and smiled. "Thanks for having me over."

"No problem. Thanks for being with me today. I've been new about 4 times now. So it really meant a lot." She smiled.

"Here let's go to my room! what do u want to do?" I stepped inside and we went up the stairs and diagonal to her room. Her room was a beige sort of color. It had some frames on her wall and her dresser.

"You can put your bag over there." she pointed to a corner in the room.

I walked over and set my bag down. She flopped on her bed and so did I. She sat up. "So tell me about yourself." she sat criss cross applesauce.

I propped my head up by folding my hands behind my head. "Umm. I moved here when I was 4 and that's when I basically met Calum. And ya." I didn't feel like explaining to her about Calum it was too confusing.

"Cool. What do your parents do?!"

"Um. My moms a nurse and I'm not sure what my dad does." I lied.

I closed my eyes quickly but then sat up. "What about you?" I asked. "I have an older brother named Jake. and I dance sing and act. But I don't know what my parents do." She laughed.

She doesn't know how easy she's got it.

"What's for dinner?" I asked.

"Either Chinese or Taco Bell." She said.

We both looked at each other, "Taco Bell." We belted out with laughter. I was about to stop laughing when Ashton feel off her bed from laughing. Causing me to laugh even more.

Soon I feel off the other side of her bed for the same reason. Hearing her laugh made me laugh even more. I'm used to a deeper laugh. Not too deep, be serious it's Cal we're talking about. But it was different. A good different.

"AHHH" I screamed. I got awakened from my thoughts by a huge slobbery wet lick going across my face.

"Libby!!! don't do that." Ashton screamed.

"Libby?" I asked sitting up. I turned around to see a large dog.

"Hi cutie." I said petting the dog.

"Sorry about that this is Libby my dog, Libby this is Jill." She said.

I smiled and kept petting the dog. "I have to go to the bathroom." I said.

"Down the hall to your left." she smiled on her knees next to Libby.

I followed the instructions and I thought.

'I feel different. I feel happier. And I think I like it.' I smiled.

A/N- HEY GUYS! don't hate me i know I haven't updated in forever. But yes this is Ashton edminister! She is from vine and has a you tube channel! Make sure to go check out her song "Break The Distance." feedback is always appreciated! like comment and vote! baiii

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