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She woke up a minute before her alarm- even a summer of sleeping in couldn't change her internal alarm clock. Aria was already tired, she didn't want to get up. She didn't want to go to school. And she definitely didn't want to see the people she would have to see.

It wasn't even 6 in the morning yet and she already found herself dreaming about all of the boys that were in her class... well, in her school.

She checked her phone and saw that she didn't have any messages. Surprise, surprise.

She got out of bed after scrolling through social media, hesitating a second longer when the post contained an attractive guy. She could already feel the nerves in her stomach, they were screaming at her that this year was going to be different. That it would be the year she finally in true love. Love where it is returned.

She washed her face a began fixing her hair, trying to put in effort, but not so much to the point where she looked like she was trying. She had never understood why trying was such a bad thing, but she couldn't afford to go against the status quo.

So there she stood in the bathroom, curling her hair in loose waves, putting foundation and mascara on to wear it looked like she wasn't wearing makeup, and putting on casual cute clothes that looked good together, but not like it was given any second thought.

The image didn't match reality.

What she actually did was burn her fingers on the barrel of the curling iron as she twisted it up and kept it loosely together. Her face a small part of the whole thing, looking somewhat not like herself a she put the makeup on. And her room was covered in the clothes she'd decided not to wear in fear of looking too sloppy or looking like a try hard.

This would be the year she fell in love, it had to be.

Aria was about to start her senior year and she had never had anyone fall for her. And it wasn't for lack of trying.

She knew the right thing to say, she knew how to read people and how to flirt, and she especially knew how to set other people up together. So why could she never get relationships to work out for herself?

She had filled her life with rom-coms of all sorts, reading cheesy books to make her believe in it and watching movies that had enough clichés to fit every situation. She had to believe that at least some part of it was true.

She was a normal girl, average to put it kindly. And every love story ever told was about an average girl that a not average guy fell for. When was it going to be her turn?

She thought about herself and what made her similar and different from every female protagonist who was looking for love.

With a deep breath and a look in the mirror she saw wide eyes peering back at her, the color dark enough to look mysterious, but light enough to make them boring. She also had dark hair, long, but not noticeable. She was invisible in the sense that she was friend material.

But she had the mindset of someone who had fallen in love a thousand times, and she couldn't wait for the day where that statement might finally get it's merit.

She couldn't solve that problem from home though, so she grabbed her things and drove to school. Aria couldn't wait to seize the day, take control of the life she had always wanted to lead.

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