Hour 3

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"Annabelle. There you are. And there you are.." Marcie struggled to find the word she was looking for.

"Taylor." I reminded her of the name of the hockey player standing next to me.

"Yeah, well you two had an adventure last night." She opened the door wide enough for us to enter. That made me worry. That really made me worry. It was obvious that we hooked up, but what else did we do?

"You can tell me about it after I change." I grabbed a pair of jeans and went into the bathroom to take off my walk of shame outfit. While I was in there I brushed my teeth and sorted out my hair. There wasn't even that much of it, but it never cooperated with me. "Good news. I found my phone. Bad news. It's dead."

"Well you have a lot to hear about." Something in her voice made me realize we did something really bad last night.

As long as we didn't steal a cop car and Mike Tyson's tiger, I think we'll be good.

"I remember pretty much everything until around 11." I looked around the room to see our two other friends passed out in different beds and a man with Zoe. I'm guessing that was Taylor's friend.

"Oh well you missed the best parts. Guys were buying you drinks and then around midnight, we met Taylor and his friend. That was the best part. I don't remember it all specifically but we ended up at the Little White Chapel around 5 this morning."

"Wait. Why were we there?" I questioned. "Did Emily and Jack finally get married?" Is a marriage even real if it's in Vegas? I'm sure her father is going to be extremely happy about this..

"No. You two did." She looked at us, dead serious.

"We what?" Me and Taylor looked at my friend with disbelief. She didn't just say that. Did she?

"Yeah. You guys thought it would be brilliant to get married. Well, Taylor did. You just went along with it." Okay, Mama is really going to kill me now.

"Why would I want to marry you?" Thanks, Taylor. I appreciate that.

"I don't know. Maybe because of my charming personality." I laughed. This poor kid was not happy that we got married. But hey, I can add this to my list of personal accomplishments. Graduated with a business degree and divorced before I turn 23. My family will be so proud.

"Charming my ass. Maybe when you're drunk." I faked hurt and moved away from the hockey player. "Oh God. We probably didn't even sign a prenup."

"Calm down there pretty boy, I am not after your money. My family has enough of that." Taylor was pacing back and forth, trying not to freak out. I would freak out, but I just don't feel like

"No. This just brings unwanted publicity. I already have a bad enough reputation."

"I can't imagine how.." I mumbled.

"No. I can't be married. You're just joking, right?" He turned to Marcie, pleading for her to say she made up the whole night. I honestly hoped she would too. She just shook her head. "Why didn't you stop us?"

"You were pretty determined to marry Annabelle. Maybe you two had a deep heart to heart and you fell in love with her. I don't know, you two disappeared for a while." Marcie was starting to get irritated. I don't blame her. My so called 'husband' was being obnoxious.

"Yeah, I doubt that."

"Hey, being married to you isn't a walk in the park either." He huffed, sitting in the large chair next to me. "Calm down. We'll figure this out. No one has to know besides the people that already do."

We let Taylor sit there and process the information. It was apparently a lot for him. It was a lot for me, but I was a little too hungover to care.

"So if we ended up there at almost 6, that means we've been married for three hours?" Which means I got an hour of sleep. If that. I'm going to be a joy to be around today. Sorry, Taylor. Your wife is sort of a bitch when she doesn't get enough sleep at night.

"Did we even sleep last night?" Taylor turned to me.

"Uh. Yeah, we did. You slept about an hour longer than I did."

Tired of standing, I plopped down on Taylor's lap so that my back was against the arm of the chair. I moved his arm so that I had a pillow and would be comfortable.

"I guess you can sit here."

"Be nice to your wife." I mumbled

"No. Get up. We're going back to my hotel. Make sure you bring your phone. And the charger. Might as well bring an extra room key. I don't know how long we'll be there." Taylor stood up as he held me bridal style then gently set me on my feet.

"We've barely been here an hour. Why can't we stay here?"

"We need to talk about this and I don't want to wake the people that are sleeping."

"Aww how cute. You care about my friends." I placed both hands over my heart, acting like I was moved by this gesture. He rolled his eyes and pulled me out of the room. "I hope you're paying for a cab because my feet are tired of walking."

"Yeah of couse. Whatever my princess wants." He muttered.

"Your princess wants a foot rub too." I smirked as he hailed a cab. "I'm really not that bad of a person, I promise. I'll definitely grow on you."

"Okay, just get in the cab." He opened the door for me and I slid to the middle, leaving barely enough space for him to sit next to me. I was going to annoy him today because I knew being with him wasn't going to be a cake walk.

"So how are we going to go about this situation?" I set my bag down on the table by the door.

"I have no idea." Of course you didn't. Why would you?

"Okay, then what was the point of coming to your room?"

"So that we could somehow figure something out without distractions." I've seen him naked, that's a big enough distraction for me to not be able to concentrate. I mean that body..

Taylor started laughing and I realized that I was saying that out loud and he heard me. I felt my cheeks redden as I tried saving myself from that. I looked up to see him smiling. Something in his eyes made me think that maybe I wasn't married to a complete asshole.

24 Hours As Mrs. Taylor HallWhere stories live. Discover now