TiMe To GeT tO kNoW eAcH oThEr

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I had so much fun doing the video with Grase, Parker and Will.  Everyone else had fun too.  So we all decided to hang out some more.  Lets just say we were white girls for today and went to Starbucks.  "Guys, I am having so much fun!”I said.  "Me too!"They all said in unison.  They all looked at each other and started laughing.  I looked at Grass as he laughed...he really loves it here.  I sigh in my head, I was gonna ask him to move to Illinois with me.  I can't do that to him, he loves it to much here. It feels like everything is in slow motion but without sound.  I look at Will.  I think he might be the reason Grase can be his goofy self here.  He's really sweet.  Not to mention he's pretty cute.  They all stop laughing and wiped some tears invisible tears away.  "You guys are awesome!"I tell them all.  "We could say the same about you
Y/n!"Will says, looking at me.  I look at him and smile.  It's definitely gonna hard leaving here.  "Should we go?  We got here at 4 and it's 7 now."Parker says.  "Ya probably"Grase says.  "Alright let's go!"I say enthusiastically.  We came in Grase's car so we had to drive back to his house to get Parker's car.

?Time Skip According to me¿

We got to Grase's house and Parker had to leave already.  Will hugged him first, Grase hugged him second and I hugged him last.  "Bye Parker."I said hugging him.  "Bye Y/n."He said then he got closer to my ear and said, "Wut?"I said.  "Go get Will!  I know you like him."He whispered and pulled away.  I stepped back a couple steps to stand with the guys but my face was super suprised.  How did he know!?  I saw him drive away in his car and I still had a shocked face.  I quickly got rid of it so the guys didn't see it.  Was I really that obvious?  We all went inside and sat on the couch.  I'm just gonna forget about it for now cause I just wanna relax and have fun.  Grase had picked up the control and I snatched it from his hand.  "Hey!"He cried out.  "It's my first day as a guest here so I get to pick the show or movie."I said.  "Fine. At least pick something good!"He said.  "I know Grase.  So Will, how do you feel about A Series Of Unfortunate Events?"I asked.  He looks at me confused and asks, "What's that?"Me and Grase do a super, dooper dramatic gasp.  "What do you mean you haven't watched A Series Of Unfortunate Events!?"Grase asked dramatically.  "Well I haven't what am I supposed to say?"Will asked.  "I suppose your correct.  I DECLARE A MOVIE MARATHON MEN!"I yelled poinying my finger in the air as high as I could.  I put on the show and we all started watching it.  Will seemed to be liking it so my job is done.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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