5 years

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Narrator's POV
It's been five years since the royal coronation for Marinette. Everything has been changing. For starters, Marinette became the new queen of China. Adrien, still models for his dad and lives in the palace with Marinette. Alya, became a journalist and still does the Ladyblog. Nino, is a DJ for a club. Alix and Kim are star champs and they still have their friendly bets. Max, is a college teacher for coding. Sabrina, works at the reception desk in city hall. Ivan and Mylene work as pediatricians. Finally Chloé, she turned over a new leaf 🍃 and is nice. She's also the new mayor since her father retired. They still couldn't find any time to get together for a hang out, like they used to. Well they still kept in contact. Until one day, this happens.
Marinette's POV
It's been too long since I've seen Alya, Nino, and everyone else in my class. I wonder what their doing. Well it's been a crazy 3 years as Queen. I need a break.
"Amira" I said into the intercom.
"Yes your majesty" she replied.
"Make 10 first class tickets to China and 12 first class tickets to Bahamas. Bring them to my office as soon as you get them."
"Yes your majesty." While Amira was getting the cards, Marinette makes letters for all her friends to come with her on an amazing vacation to the Bahamas.
Dear everyone,
I know we haven't been able to hangout like we used to. So I came up with this, take a vacation from whatever your doing and come to China to meet up. Then we all take a flight to the Bahamas to catch up with each other. I hope you'll come. Your friend, Marinette.
"Adrien?" Marinette called out.
"Yeah," she heard from a distance.
"Pack your bags, we're going on vacation"

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