After some digging he finally got the type and size of the boot, narrowing the search down again. Up came four names. One a young entrepreneur, who enjoyed hiking. Another was an army enthusiast, who did world war II reenactments. The third was a man who had recently passed away, giving the boots to his son for a Christmas present, the son was a leader for an eagle scout troop. The last was the one that scared him, the one they had wanted to find, but dreaded it was this person. A white haired man with cold grey eyes and an eye patch stared back at him. The description read, “retired from US army, disappeared.” Cyborg rushed to the ops room to deliver the news.

Starfire nearly had a heart attack when everyone ran into the room, all coming from different doorways and shouted in unison, "I've got it! It's-"

But they were cut off when a face appeared on the screen. "Hello Titans."

They all glared at the perp.

"What? No one’s going to say my name seething with rage? Oh that's right, that's Robin's job."

"What did you do with him?!" Beast Boy yelled.


"Robin!" Cyborg exasperated.

"What makes you think I did anything with your little leader?"

"All the evidence points to you." Raven accused.

"Very good. Even without the little detective, you are proving to be most intelligent."

"Get on with it Slade!" Beast Boy shouted.

"Nothing to shout about. I guess that you have gotten my present I left for you in the sewer?"

"Please Slade, no mind games. Where is Robin?" Everyone looked at Star. She was not angry, just...extremely worried.

"He is dead, my dear." Slade said almost sympathetically. "Like I said in the note."

Everyone was stunned. Starfire's hands flew to her mouth as her eyes grew wide. Then she became angry. "You liar! You are only tricking us! Why would you kill him!?" Her eyes glowed as tears came from her eyes. Starbolts were at the ready.

"I do not lie. Now, I know you want to start grieving, but I have something for you to worry about first."

Star calmed down minutely. Slade turned the camera to a young boy he had strapped to a table. He looked extremely familiar, like they had met him somewhere, but something was missing. His blue eyes looked into the lens, revealing all the heartache he was harboring. His skin was scratched and bruised, and he looked extremely tired.

"Titans I'd like you all to meet my good friend Richard Grayson. Mild mannered and a straight ‘A’ student. He grew up with loving parents, as an acrobat in a circus. A circus of all places!”

 Slade put his hand on Richard's forehead. "But, a deranged clown cut the rope that his parents were on, and being the fearless artists they were, they didn't use a net. Little Richard watched his parents plummet to their deaths, scarred forever. Especially since he knew what was going to happen, and didn't warn them."

Richard shut his eyes in shame.

"About a year of life in a juvenile detention center, he was adopted by the wealthy man, Bruce Wayne. He lived with Mr. Wayne for a few years, until he suddenly disappeared. Right around the same time Robin quit his partnership with Batman."

Realization dawned on everyone.

"Lucky me, I seem to have found the missing child."

"What do you want with him?!" Star demanded, again.

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