Chapter 3

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Ashers POV
I run down the stairs with my bag to see dad waiting for me in the kitchen. I drop the bag and eat breakfast before saying "who's taking me to the match." He smiles and says "me but everyone else if meeting us there." I nod then he hands me a box and says "open it." I do to see a new top. I open it up to see that it's my team shirt but it has a different name on the back.Quentes. I smile and hug dad before saying "we gotta go." He nods so I walk to the door and grab my bag and ball before going to the car. When dad gets in he puts some music on before starting the engine. About halfway there a song turned on and dad says "you know me and Vic sang this together." I nod and smile as he sings along. When we get to the stadium we get out the car and go to the entrance where I get my player pass and everyone else gets their tickets. We walk down and I give everyone a hug then uncle mike says "go kick some ass." I nod and say "I always do." I wave before going down to the locker room and getting my kit on. I put my new jersey on and coach smiles before saying "I heard you got adopted." I nod and say "yeah happened when I was in hospital. My family in in the crowd today and my uncle is obsessed with my playing." He nods then we all walk out onto the pitch.

The game goes really quickly and we won 7-1. I go to the locker room and take my kit off and put my normal stuff on before packing my bag and walking out kicking my ball. I go to dad and he gives me a massive hug before we all get in the car. He drives but I don't know where we're going until I see animal shelter. I smile and he says "I'm guessing you know what we're doing." I nod and say "getting a dog and three cats." He looks at me and says "one dog one cat." I smirk and say "one dog and two cats." He sighs and says "fine." I then get out the car and run inside. I go to the dogs to see one huddled up in a corner. I sit next to the cage and he comes over to me. I smile and stroke him through the bars. Eventually I get up and continue looking until I see the perfect dog. An Australian Shepherd. Dad comes over and says "you want that dog." I smile and nod before saying "I'm going to the cats." He nods so I walk off. When I get to the cats I look at them all until I see two kittens huddled up together. I see a member of staff so I say "is there anyway I can go in there." She nods and says "yeah I will just unlock the door." I nod and she says "your Asher Street aren't you." I nod and say "my surname is now Quentes though." She nods and walks off. I sit down with the two cats and they jump down and sit on my lap. I stroke them then the woman comes back with a pile of cards. She smiles and says "can you sign these for my son. He's a huge fan." I nod and grab my pen before signing them all. I then grab the free tickets from my pocket and hand them to her and say "here so he can come to the next game." She smiles and says "he will be really happy about this. He practises playing every night saying he wants to be like you." I smile and say "tell him to keep dreaming. Nothing is impossible." She say "I will," before walking off. Dad walks by and sees me so he gets a member of staff to put the cats in a cat carrier. When they are in the carrier I walk to the front to see the dog on a lead. When I get in the car the dog gets put on my lap and he falls asleep. Uncle Turtle says "what you gonna call him." I smile and stroke him before saying "Díno." He nods then dad drives us home. When we get there papi says "all time low are coming round to talk about tour." I smile before saying "Díno,Echo,Delta follow." I then go upstairs and sit playing with them when I hear a knock at the front door. I wait ten minutes before picking Díno up and going downstairs. I see Uncle Alex with his back to me. I pass Díno to Uncle Mike before running to Uncle Alex hugging him. He turns and shouts my name before hugging me back. I then look at Papi and say "I need to get to the stadium in 30 minuets for another match." He nods and Uncle Alex says "what do you mean match." Uncle Mike runs in and says "he said match because he is the youngest footballer in the championship league." Alex looks at me so I smile and run upstairs and Delta gets on my shoulder and I carry Echo down. When I get to the bottom of the stairs Echo moves so I have a cat sat on each shoulder and I take Díno off Uncle Turtle. I get the cats off before running upstairs with Díno to my room. I grab a box from my wardrobe and grab what was in it before putting it on him and grabbing my bag and walking down. Papi smiles before saying "you really had to do that." I nod. You see I knew I was getting a dog so I got a small football jersey made for it. I walk out and get in the car before Alex gets in next to me. I pass Díno to him and say "don't lose him." He nod then Papi stops the car. I get out and get my player pass then Alex follows me down. When I get to the locker room I get my kit on before saying bye to Díno and running out onto the pitch. The match starts and I score a few times before I get tackled. I fall down and look at my leg to see holes in it. I lie down and Díno runs over. I chuckle and say "I'm fine buddy." I then get up and carefully walk to the edge of the pitch with Díno following me. When I get there I sit down and the first aider cleans the holes and puts a bandage on. I sit there until halftime and the score is 3-4. I look at coach and say "let me out after. I will be fine but we won't be if I'm not playing." He nods so I secure Díno to my seat before walking around a bit. When second half begins I run out and score 4 goals. When the match finished I nodded at coach and he let Díno off lead and he ran out to me. I pick him up then the first aider walks out with a wheelchair so I sit in it and he takes me to the locker room. I grab my stuff then he takes me up to the top of the stadium where I see Papi waiting. I get taken to him and the first aider says "I suggest you take him to hospital and have the holes stitched." Papi nods then the woman from the shelter walks over with a 5 year old. She walks over and the kid says "that match was awesome. The way you still played while being injured was the best and your dog running onto the pitch." I smile and say "you like football." He nods and says "I want to be just like you when I'm older." I smile and say "do you like you to the park." He nods and says "I go everyday." I smile and say "how about when my leg is better I help you get better." He nods and hugs me before they walk off. I then see dad and he runs over and takes me to the car before helping me in. When we get to the hospital I get taken straight to a room and they stitch the holes before saying "you can't play for 3 weeks and then the stitches can come out." I nod then dad comes in and helps me into the wheelchair then into the car and my eyes start to close.

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