You'll Never Know This But...

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Dear Lance,

I have liked you since 8th grade. I love your curly black hair and your warm brown eyes. Once I heard your voice in choir that became one more thing I loved about you. I love the intoxicating smell of your cologne. You have this confidence with anything you do that kinda makes me feel like I can do anything too. I love how you don't hide who you really are. I know that is something I could never do. I once wanted us to be a thing, but I know that can never happen. I'm almost one hundred percent sure that you don't like me back. I am very afraid that if we did become something, I'd always be in constant fear of losing you because of a mistake I make due to not being familiar with dating. Or maybe one day you'd leave me for some blond cheerleader who does nothing but talk about the latest fashion trends and twerk. I like to believe that just like all the books I've read where the bad boy changes for the good girl, you would change and become my bad boy. But like I said before, I'm someone you'll never want so why should I try? I guess what I'm saying is that I wrote this letter for me in a way. For me to sort out my feelings and get my thoughts on paper. This letter will be sealed and NEVER addressed. I know I'll probably get laughed at if people at school found out. Anyway, you'll never know this but... I love you and I always will.



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