Day 3

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Dear Diary, Greetings, It is me again... I'm here to say some things, Nathan has been quite annoying to me recently, However... His trip to Underlust was probably my favorite, He almost got raped by FLOWEY... Fricking FLOWEY. I'm laughing so hard while writing this sentence. (= I honestly wish I could've been there with him, I could have MURDERED Nathan in Underlust, To make sure he would have never come back alive. (= Tyler would have seen the death of someone who he seriously hates, and, to a lesser extent, Someone who was told about something that would make Tyler cry very badly. (= Farewell! See you tomorrow. (=

殺人は面白いです。 毛むくじゃらはペスト、ネコスは変です。 お別れ。

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