"Ooh." The young man's breath hitched in surprise.

He put one of his hands on his stomach, brows furrowed in confusion.

"What happened?" The young woman inquired kindness in her tone.

"I'm not sure... I think, I think it kicked." He concluded dumbfounded.

"May I?" Sacagawea asked one hand close to his belly.

"I guess so, you know more about this than I do." He chuckled and lifted up his shirt exposing his middle.

With his permission, she pressed her hand to his skin, every now and then feeling little flutters underneath her palm and then a strong kick to her fingers." The young woman looked at Ahk and smiled.

"That's has got to be the strangest thing I've ever felt." The King said astonished.

"Would you like to feel Larry?" Sacagawea asked the guard who seemed deep in thought.

"Uh, no I'm good." He answered startled out of his thoughts.

After a moment he spoke up again.

"Hey Sacagawea, we have to make a potion for Ahk so that he can survive all this. Do you mind helping out a little?" Larry asked her honestly.

"Yeah sure, no problem. What do we have to do?"

"We have to boil Anubis' tears, water from the Nile and a toad all together and I'm not really great with pots if you know what I mean" He explained pointing at each jar containing the aforementioned items.


They got to work with Ahkmernarh at their side telling them what to do step by step. First, they started by boiling the river water then added some of Anubis' tears and later placed the toad in the boiling waters and left it there for 30 minutes. The water turned a murky green color.

"Is it ready?" Larry asked disgusted by the liquid in the pot.

"No." Said Ahkmnrah. He then proceeded to take a sharp knife out of the silverware drawer and cut the tip of his index finger. Blood rushed to the surface, drops falling into the boiling pot. At that moment the Pharaoh began his incantation.

'adeu kla taqat jit 'iilaa muerafatiha fi alma' walnaar wal'ard walhua'.

ishfa' li mae alttaqat alkhasat bik tukhadh min alealam. amin.

The pot began to glow, it stopped just as soon as it started.

"Wha-wha-what was that?" The older man stuttered.

"I had to invoke the power of Heka, Goddess of magic so that she may help me in my upcoming times of peril." The Egyptian King explained.

"The potion is ready, you may transfer it to a different container now."

Just as Ahkmenrah finished his sentence he began to swoon, one hand over his face. Larry and Sacagawea quickly too ahold of him and helped him to sit back on the couch.

"Apparently that took a lot out of you, you should rest. I'll leave you alone for now." Sacagawea then left the room.

"Yeah, I leave you alone too." Larry stated.

"No! Larry, please stay... I don't want to be alone in here." The young man pleaded with his eyes closed clearly exhausted.

The nightguard stood in place for a moment thinking and decided to stay.

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