Chapter Five

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A/N: Read the original first "The Burden" by Sssh-Im-Hiding. As stated in the description this is not my story this is just how I would have finished it. I wrote 3 chapters two over 2,000 words long and one over 3,000. My rest of the story will focus only on what happens to Ahkmenrah so don't be surprised if there aren't any scenes with McPhee or others. And you may notice Attila doesn't appear anywhere and that's because I just forgot about him and later just didn't bother since his character doesn't speak English sorry not sorry.

Keep in mind I have never written a fanfiction before much less mpreg. I don't plan on writing any more fics as this one is probably terrible. I did this for everyone who wanted to see this fic come to an end. Without further do here it is this chapter is 2 409 words long and its called "chapter five" because it ended on chapter four.


The next evening Larry was getting ready for his night shift, thinking of the night's upcoming events.

When he was done he headed out to the Pharaoh's tomb, he was almost past the reception when he stopped, paused for a second and took a few steps back to retrieve the trash can from under the reception's desk.

As dusk approached and all the exhibits came to life, Larry stood beside Ahkmenrah's sarcophagus waiting for him to wake up.

All of a sudden Ahkmenrah sat up in distress, then he saw Larry standing next to him with the trash bin in hand, he took it, and proceeded to violently retch. Emptying everything in his stomach until there was nothing but bile coming up.

"Thank you, Larry." Said Ahk after wiping his mouth, then laid back down, exhausted.

"Hey you okay, Ahk?" The nightguard asked slightly concerned.

"Oh. I'm quite alright. Just nauseous." Replied the Pharaoh with his eyes closed.

After a few seconds Ahkmenrah sat back up slowly, fatigue plastered all over his face, pains all over his body.

At that moment Larry glanced down at his stomach inquisitively.

"Hey Ahk, is it me or... is your stomach a little bigger?"

The Pharaoh look down at his abdomen his head clear now.

"I believe so, yes. You know, this child isn't an exhibition, Larry. If it is a real child the tablet has no effect on it just like it doesn't have any on you." Ahkmenrah answered in a matter of fact tone.

"Since it still lives on during the day, the curse still takes its course, which I presume is the cause of my ever growing middle." He trailed off.

Larry looked at Ahkmenrah who seemed deep in thought.

"Something troubling you Ahk?" Larry asked.

"I'm just worried that my garb may rip, as it was not made to accommodate my growing midsection." Said Ahk as he looked into the distance.

"Ummm... I've got a pair of sweatpants in my locker I could lend you for the time being if you'd like?" The nightguard proposed.

"Oh that's very kind of you Larry, but I must decline. As a Pharaoh, I must remain in my royal garments." Ahk said with an appreciative smile.

"Ok then. Offer still stands if you change your mind." Larry said as he knew the young Egyptian wouldn't stand to wear his form-fitting clothes this whole time.

After their little conversation, Larry accompanied Ahkmenrah to the reception where he'd leave him with Jed and Octavius for some company, while he went to collect the rest of the items needed for the healing spell.

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