"Aisha?" I ask behind the door but I receive no response. The laughter ceases and all I can hear is silence.
I lock the door since Aisha had her own keys.

I walk to the bathroom and do my wudhu to pray Salatul Isha. After that, I try to go back to sleep but as deducted, it would be a mission impossible. Then my phone starts to ring, but it had no caller ID so I just ignore it. Unfortunately, it rings a second time and my nosy self decides to see it could be.

I remain quiet and wait for the person to speak.

"Hey, Ruqayyah, it's me, Aisha."

"Aisha, where's your phone?"

"Please meet me near the park, please it's extremely important. I need you to be here as soon as possible." I hear Aisha's desperate voice. She was sobbing.

"Okay calm down and tell me what happened?" I was worried but I needed to know what I am dealing with.

"Please, just come..." She hungs up after that.

It must be something serious, but if she needs my help and trusted me enough to call me to go help her, instead of anyone else, I won't let her down.

I wear my clothes then grab my purse and my keys and leave the dorm. I lock the door and leave towards the park which was twenty minutes away or so.

I rushed here, which made me unable to notice how dark it had become. There were very few people leaving the park and entering their cars.

"Aisha!" I call out, maybe she would hear me and answer, "Aisha, I'm here, where are you?" I yell again.

"Here!" I hear a voice not so far behind some bushes.

I follow the voice and an involuntary scream leaves my mouth and I am pulled in between the bushes.

"And we meet again." She crosses her arms in front of her as she smiles with malice. I can't believe who was standing in front of me.

"Where's Aisha? I ask Jess.

"I don't know where she is but I know why you are here." She smiles.

"What do you want?" I ask, not believing I left the dorm because this girl decided it would he fun to use voice phishing on me.

"I just have to let you know of some peace rules."

"Oh, really?" I cross my arms in front of me completely uninterested and wait for her to proceed.

"If you don't want any problems with me. First, you are to never see Alex again't," I couldn't believe my ears, did she really make me come here at this time of the night to talk about boys?

"I can't do that, he is in the same class as me."

"I don't care! Find a way. Second, do not talk to him ever again, third, do not approach him, fourth, do not even look at him or even breath in the same space as him, which means you may have to change seats for literature class."

Is she even listening to herself? She is resembling an obsessive jealous girlfriends. The worst? They are not even dating anymore.

"Don't worry, he's not talking to me anyway."

"He found out you are not worth his time." She laughs evily and I roll my eyes at her.

"Listen, I don't know why you hate me so much, but if I harmed you in any way, I'm sorry, alright?" I decide to at least try and form a sort of truce with her.

"Oh, what's happening, Ruqayyah?" She steps closer, smirking with malice, "Did you finally come to the conclusion that Alex would never be interested in something like you?"

"Um, no... The point is, we will be sharing a desk for the rest of this academic year, we either get along or one of us will end up hurt in this situation."

"Yep, and that somebody is not gonna be me." She gives me a fake smile and I realise there's no point trying with her.

"Well, I tried," I shrug and try to walk around her to leave the park but she steps in front of me, grabbing my arm soon after.

"You better abide by the rules as I am not always this patient so be glad that I am at least giving you a warning. Understood?" She threatens and I pull my arm away from her grip and sigh before leaving her sight.

"Alex will be mine again, sooner than you think!" I hear her say as I continue to walk away.

I don't really think anything. If they come back together or not it's up to them. I just want to return to my bed and have the last sleep in BCH's dorm.
I saw her car passing by me making me jump when she horned her car. SubhanAllah, this girl is really annoying.

I go back to my dorm in the dark. It was a little scary having to walk by myself in these dark streets but I got to my destination safely.

"Are you okay?" Aisha asks as soon as I enter the dorm. Her voice was full of concern.

Obviously, she knows I'm not the type of girl to return back to the dorm at this time of the night.

"It's past midnight, where were you?" She continues with the questions, but I remain silent.

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