Max: Hi, I'd like to say that I'm sorry about your uncle. I know this message is late, but I hope my condolences are still valid.

When I read the message, I sort of debated on replying or not. A part of me wanted to, just to see if he had anything more to say.
'He could have been involved with Victor's death! Not to mention, he did plant bugs in the apartment to spy on you.' I said inside of my head as I stared at my phone screen. 'Fuck it!' I said to myself as I started forming a reply.

Me: You're condolences are still valid, thanks by the way. I know you two were good friends.

Max: We were. If I ever find out who killed him... well... there's no telling what I'd do. I know that probably sounds bad, but it makes me angry. Especially since the police actually thought that I might be involved.

Me: I just want justice for my uncle's death. I'd be happy to see whoever killed him behind bars for the rest of their miserable life.
Max: I second that. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

Me: Thanks, Max. It was nice to hear from you again even though it's under grim circumstances.

Max: I know, I've been trying to find the time to reach out to you, but I've been so busy lately. Maybe we could meet up somewhere and chat over a coffee or something.

Me: That would be nice, but it'd have to be after the funeral. I'll feel much better when all of this is behind us.

Max: Yeah, I think that would be best also. I'll definitely see you at the viewing and the funeral by the way.

We said our goodbyes just before Will climbed into the car. "Who were you talking to?" He asked me curiously. "That was Max. He sends his condolences." I said as I put my phone back into my pocket. I glanced over at him and saw a cautionary look in his beautiful brown eyes. "What did he say?" He asked me curiously with a look of suspicion on his face. I took my phone back out and handed it to him, so he could see what Max has said for himself. We sat there in silence for what felt like forever. It was starting to get colder and colder in the car, so I turned it on so I could turn on the heater. "Well?" I said in a questioning tone. "I... I don't think he was involved with your uncle's murder anymore, Clover." He said as he handed me my phone back. "What makes you say that? I mean... Victor was directly involved with Project Omneity. Why wouldn't Max wanna knock him off after he found out that Victor gave us those documents?" I asked him curiously. The gears in my mind were really working now. Even though what we're involved in is extremely dangerous, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. It was like being in some kind of exciting movie. "Let's just come up with a different scenario here for a minute," Will said with furrowed brows. I could tell he was concentrating, so I didn't say anything to distract him. "What if Project Omneity has begun to fall apart? Imagine that something went horribly wrong, and it sends both Victor and Max into a panic. Who are they going to turn to? They can't go to the police or the government, because if they do they'll get in big trouble. Who did they wanna recruit to help them?" He said, and paused briefly for me to answer. "Me." I replied with widened eyes. "Exactly! They agree to give you top secret documents. They don't give you enough to really tell you what they're up to though. Why?" He said, and then I caught onto his train of thought. Everything seemed to make more sense, but it made my head hurt with this new train of thinking. It was like breaking a damn and being swept away with the rushing current. "They were planning on gradually leaking top secret info to us in spread out increments, in hopes that they won't be detected. But my uncle got caught, resulting to his watery grave." I replied. Will nodded and goosebumps cropped up all over my body. Deep down in my bones I had a feeling we were right, but who killed Victor? And what could have happened that scared him and Max so bad they wanted to reveal everything to me? I had so many questions floating around in my mind, but sitting here in a parking lot wasn't gonna solve anything. I pulled out of the lot and headed home. We could talk more about theories once we got into the warmth of our apartment. I felt like Sherlock Holmes and a little like MatPat, but I doubted that MatPat would make a YouTube video on something like this. But I could be wrong. Once we got home we carried the groceries up to the apartment where we put everything away. When we were finished I checked the time and realized that it was almost time for Alex to show up. "We can just have lunch with Alex." I said, and Will agreed. We ended up heating up the soup we made the other day, because it was way too cold to just have a sandwich. A few minutes went by before there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole to see that it was Alex. "Hey." He said with a smile on his face after I opened the door. "Hey, get in here where it's warm." I said with a smile as well. After I closed the door, he and I hugged before he said his hellos to Will. We gathered at the kitchen table as Will filled bowls with hot soup for us. I made a pot of coffee and we made small talk as we ate a late lunch together. He told me that he found a job at the local pet store, and we congratulate him. Animals were the best for him to work with, especially since they're great for relieving post traumatic stress disorder. "That was delicious, Clover." Alex said once we all ate our fill. "Thanks. I'm glad you liked it." I replied with a small smile. Will cleared off the table, so all we had was our steaming hot cups of coffee. "Now, let's get down to business. There's a lot we need to talk about; uncle Victor's funeral being one, but this Project Omneity stuff being the other." Alex said. We agreed to discuss the funeral first, since that was more important. Alex and I already had viewings arranged for Saturday and the funeral to be on Sunday. We just haven't figured out the tombstone yet, along with some other things. After we finished discussing that, we moved on to the favor I asked for him to do, which felt like ages ago now. "I was able to sneak into the facility. It wasn't easy, but I managed to get a few photographs of the inside." Alex said as he reached into his satchel. He pulled out a moderate stack of developed photographs and handed them to me. Most of them were pictures of large tables filled with beakers, test tubes, microscopes, etc. There were several rooms that looked like they were for performing experiments. One picture was of a board room that was obviously used for meetings. Those were things I was expecting, but what I saw next was insane. It looked like something out of a science fiction horror game. Tall glass tube shaped things were lined up like book shelves in a library. pinkish white fetus looking things were floating in some kind of greenish tinted liquid. It made the entire room glow a greenish blue color; it almost looked aquatic. It looked like there were thousands of those tube shaped containers everywhere. The last couple of pictures made my blood run cold. 'This really is some kind of science fiction horror game.' I thought inside of my head. Evelyn was at the back of the room and in the center of the wall. Her body was in a container much like the others, but this one was bigger. Wires and stuff were coming out of the holding tank she was in and they spread out like they were running towards the other tanks. That's when I realized this really was worse than any of us expected. Evelyn wasn't trying to connect to the internet like Will had done years ago. She wants power, and she's achieving that by making clones of herself. Despite the slight chill in the apartment, I was sweating like crazy. My heart was beating frantically, and my stomach burned with adrenalin and anxiety. "Clover.... what is it? What's wrong?" Will asked me curiously. With a shaky hand I gathered the photographs and handed them towards him, so he could see for himself. "Mother of god!" He said before he covered his mouth with his hand. "Something bad is going to happen if we don't do something to stop this. So... what are we going to do." Alex asked us curiously. "It looks like you'll have to go out to coffee with Max after all, Clover." Will said, and I nodded to let him know that I understood. We talked for a bit longer before Alex had to leave. Not only did I have to meet up with Max to see what he'd tell me about Project Omneity, we had to figure out a plan to stop Evelyn as well. But I had to know if we could trust Max or not first. I don't want him to end up double crossing us in the end. 'Things just got more complicated.' I said inside of my head as Will and I attempted to comfort each other. I started to feel physically and mentally drained, and I think Will could sense it. He held me close to him and gave me small kisses every once in a while. "Everything is gonna be okay, Clover. We're gonna find a way to beat this and then we can live a peaceful life together." He said softly as he played with my hair. "I really hope you're right." I replied as I snuggled into his chest. He helped me make dinner, and when Oliver came home we told him everything. We even told him of the theories we had. His reaction took us off guard, and it worried me. He acted like he was going to have a panic attack, it scared the hell out of me. "We're fucked!!! If she's making clones of herself, how are we going to know which one is actually her?! What if some of her clones are out and walking the streets right now?!?!" Oliver yelled, and we did our best to try and calm him down. He ended up going into his room and slamming the door behind him. I went to go and talk to him, but Will stopped me. "Let him have some time to think on his own. It's a lot of information for him to take in." Will said. "Fine." I said with a deep sigh. My fear was that all of this had finally became too much for Oliver to handle. I don't want him to leave, but if he decided to go I won't force him to stay. This isn't his fight.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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