Happy Ever After

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Time flew by and pretty soon, I was standing in front of Eomma's door. She owned a huge mansion. Obviously. It had been over ten years since I'd seen this mansion. I knocked on the door before smiling at Jimin. We'd already booked a hotel room in advance since I wasn't ready to stay the night with Eomma.

Eomma opened the door shortly.

"Rinni-" Eomma stopped abruptly.

"WHO'S THIS?!" Eomma asked angrily.

"Park Jimin. My soon-to-be fiancé," I said confidently. Jimin greeted Eomma.

"No, no, no, no! I already have three handsome men inside for you to choose from! I simply will NOT accept this horrid person. He's not RICH enough!" Eomma tutted in disappointment. I gawked. Not rich enough?! Not RICH enough?!

"I'm sorry. But Park Jimin is rich in something all those bastards in there are poor in," I said bluntly.

"And what is that?!" Mother demanded. I held Jimin's hand and held it up high for Eomma to see.

"Love," I said.

That was the last word I ever said to Eomma. I practically dragged Jimin along with me as we ran to a nearby park.

Screw Eomma.

Screw her expectations.

I have Jimin.

"What was that all about?" Jimin chuckled. I shrugged.

We spent the rest of the night having dinner and having FUN.


As we sat on a bench in the moonlight, eating our ice creams, I tugged Jimin's hand. He looked at me.

"Yes, cupcake?" Jimin asked.

"I know this isn't very traditional. And that usually guys do this but... Park Jimin, you would make me the happiest girl alive if you would be willing to spend the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me, Park Jimin?" I asked hopefully while looking into his beautiful eyes.

Jimin let out his wonderful laugh and pulled me closer.

"Yes!" Jimin replied happily and I sighed in relief.

Suddenly, his lips were on mine.

Soft like a butterfly's wings.

I would never forget the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach.

I leaned my head against his shoulder.

And together, we said the next three words.

"I love you."


Author's Note:
I'M SO SORRY FOR SUCH A SHORT STORY!!! It's only 14 chapters! I'M SORRY! This is my FIRST fanfiction. I PROMISE I'll do better! Next fanfiction will be uploaded quite soon. Again, I'M SORRY! :( But still, hoped you liked this awfully short fanfiction!

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