Wedding Night

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The night had finally hit. Earlier that very day, Fred and Yang officially tied the knot with one another in a similar fashion as to their dreams about it for years. All there friends and family members arrived in support of the momentous day despite the hectic scheduling from others who were planning on doing the same, cough Sun and Blake, cough.

Regardless, Fred and Yang were sitting at table with Tai and Mason and Evie all having conversations with one another and laughing along with one another. Yang looked out and saw everyone else at the reception having quite the fun time. Sure the outdoor wedding had been a bit expensive, were it not for the antics of her uncle, Qrow and her now parents-in-law. Granted, they did threaten everyone and the owner but all in all, good times.

Yang took in a deep breath. This was her life. Married at 21, traveled the world, lost an arm, found the love of her life, fought a war and all did it with a smile on her face and friends at her side. She glanced over and laughed to herself as her now brother-in-law, Isaac was now in a heated drinking completion with Qrow while her friends and family surrounded them.

Still, Yang was amazed how quickly she and her friends grew up since the Fall of Beacon. Now several of them all had jobs, and others were now trying to get married themselves. She then glanced back over to Fred, seeing him laughing with her own father. She was still amazed to the fact he wasn't done with school yet. Fred was offered a spot into a graduate program and took it within hours. He was now on his way to earning a PhD in history under the tutelage of Dr. Oobleck himself.

Still, Yang continued to glance around the area to see what was happening. Blake and Sun dancing with one another, Ruby and Oscar trying to throw small crackers into one another's mouths, Neptune and Weiss talking about...something, she had no idea. Finally she saw her mother and-

Yang had to do a double take and glanced back up to see a raven, looking down at her. She glared up at the bird before getting up and started to follow it.

Fred: You ok?

Yang: Huh?

Taiyang: You good sweetie? Let me guess, ready for the divorce?

Fred: Geez, thanks.

Yang slapped the back of her father's head.

Yang: Seriously, Dad? I'm just going on a quick walk. Check out the scenery. See if I can't see any birds at this hour.

Tai nodded, although reluctantly. As Yang walked away, Tai pinched the tip of his nose and sighed to himself, realizing what she meant. While Mason and Evie looked confused, Fred glanced back to Tai, understand as well.

Fred: Want me to-

Taiyang: She can handle herself.

Yang walked down the sidewalk and finally stopped once she saw Raven, her mother, standing before her.

Yang: Mom.

Raven: Yang. (Awkward silence) You look...nice?

Yang: Thanks.

Raven: Surprised I didn't get an invitation.

Yang: Sorry, didn't know the address. Now what do you want?!

Raven sighed before she began to lean on a railing and gazed out across the tree line.

Raven: Yang...I'm proud of you. Really, I am. You truly are stronger than I have ever intended.

Yang: Back to the strength talk? Wow, that's one I haven't heard in awhile. I say sarcastically, yet you never are around that much so I'm not wrong either.

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