Bier, Vodka, the Works...and a nice Flashback

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{This is a flashback while Germany's telling Alegra/Pooky the story. Basically it'll cover the events around Britain staying over at Germany's house and how Germany got turned into a cat. I know...I know..."it was Britain!"...yes, true, but there's a bit more to that...XD}


"Why am I doing this?" Germany sighed and stared down at the list. All of the countries that enjoyed drinking were written down. He considered for a moment just throwing the list down and forgetting it all, but when America shook his head he decided against it.

"Because it'll be one hell of an awesome time, duh! Plus you can challenge people to drink-offs and chugging contests! I remember this one time when Russia dared me to chug vodka..." Germany stood up and walked into his kitchen as America shared his horrifyingly vivid story of him downing a glass of straight vodka. The images made him shudder and he made a mental note to never take on bets from Russia...ever. He glanced down at the list one more time.

Party List

1) Britain

2) France

3) Spain

4) Italy and Romano

5) Russia

6) Lithuania et al. ??

7) Prussia

8) Austria

9) Switzerland

10) Japan

11) China ?

12) Canada?????

"Dude, are you even listening?" America shouted from the living room. Gott, his voice can be so annoying sometimes.

"Ja, I'm listening." Germany lied and shook his head. Sometimes the American could be a bit, okay a lot, on the irritating side. It was normal for the other countries, Germany included, to tune him out. So today America had decided for the heck of it to stop by Germany's place without an invitation, and an idea to throw a drinking party at Germany's house. Germany wasn't even sure America was old enough to drink, but it didn't really matter in his country. Here America would be allowed to drink, just as long as he had adult supervision. Germany laughed softly to himself when he pictured someone hovering over America's shoulder as he downed a stein of beer. Oh gott, he wouldn't like that at all.

"Wait, so you'd actually be okay if I brought a plus one?" America tapped Germany's shoulder, making the German country jump. Last he checked, America was sitting in the living room, not in the kitchen with him.

"A...a what?" Germany stuttered out as he got over the initial shock.

"Just a friend I have that enjoys a good drink." America grinned and shoved his hands into his pockets. Germany shook his head. Whenever America got that look, it normally spelled trouble with a capital "T". Which is why he managed to shock himself when he replied: "Ja, that's fine."

"Sweet!" America fist pumped the air and whipped out his phone, quickly punching numbers into it and it rang a few times before the person on the other end picked up. "ND! Dude, he said yes! You can totally come to the party!" Germany put a hand to his face and thought, why...why me.

"No, you don't need to bring your own beer." America said into the phone and rolled his eyes in Germany's direction.

"If this is going to be proper, don't bring any of your American bier here." Germany snapped and walked back into the living room.

Cats and the Past; Germany and ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now