"Still waiting for Fred to catch up," Ginny muttered, garnering laughter around the table.

Arthur smiled. "Fred, when you and your brother were young, your mother and I worried about many things. How long would Hogwarts put up with you? How many explosions could our house handle? Would we keep our sanity long enough to know the answer to those questions? One thing I never worried about, though, was what kind of man you would become. You're kind and compassionate, and that is all I ever wanted for all of our children."

"Hermione, I don't think there are enough words to describe how wonderful we think you are. Or, at least, not enough patience at this table for me to list them all. You've both brought a new light to each other's lives and we wish you all best as you start this new journey." Arthur raised his glass and said, "To Hermione and Fred!"

"Cheers!" were shouted around the table as Hermione rushed over to Arthur, with tears in her eyes, and hugged him tightly

The evening was pleasant and full of lots of reminiscing, resulting in a lot of laughing and cringing. When the sunlight started to wane, the group began to thin as kids' eyelids drooped and the empty wine bottles outnumbered the full. When Hermione let a yawn slip and snuggled further into Fred's side, Ginny pounced and declared that the bride needed her rest.

"Okay," Hermione said, stifling another yawn. "Let me say goodnight to Fred."

She let Fred lead her to a secluded, shadowed corner of the garden. He didn't even have a chance to say anything before Hermione pulled him close and locked her lips to his. And she was quite happy to let him push her up against the house and deepen the kiss. As his mouth moved to her neck, his hands moved to her hips and his nimble fingers started inching her skirt up.

"Fred, we can't do this here," Hermione breathed. Despite her protests, she thrust her hips against his touch.

"I really, really want to though," he murmured, biting her earlobe. The noise that slipped from her throat was one she had never heard herself make before and the rumble from Fred's laugh sent a shiver through her body. "I think you really, really want to too."

"I do. Merlin, do I ever. But if your mother finds us in this position, we may not live to get married. And if Gin finds us, oh god, if Gin finds us..." Hermione trailed off as Fred hooked a finger on the waistband of her knickers.

Ten minutes later, they took turns creeping from their hiding spot and tried to blend in with the cleanup. As Hermione turned around with a stack of plates, she came face to face with Ginny, who reached up and plucked something from Hermione's hair.

"You two are unbelievable," Ginny sighed, dropping an ivy leaf onto the stack of plates.

Hermione felt her face grow red and said nothing as she hurried to the kitchen with the plates.


The following morning, Hermione was awoken by an incessant poking at her side. She grumbled and buried her head under the pillow.

"Get up, Min! We're wasting time!?" Ginny shouted. She tried to pull the pillow away, but Hermione clung tighter.

"What time is it?"


Hermione moaned. "I'm not getting married until three o'clock. Let me sleep."

"Nope, wakey wakey." Ginny gave a firm pull and finally won the tug-a-war battle for the pillow. "You need to eat and shower so we can start pampering the shit out of you."

"Can part of my pampering be sleep?" Hermione whined, rolling onto her back.

The sudden change in position sent her stomach rolling and, in spite of all her previous protests, she jumped from the bed and dashed for the bathroom. Thankfully, it was nothing more than some intense dry heaving. When she left the loo, Ginny was in the hall with a worried look.

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