Chapter 14

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The Burrow whirled into view and Fred hastily stepped into the living room, gently kneeling down so Hermione could get off his back. The moment her feet hit the floor, she darted through the kitchen and out the back door. He winced as the muffled sound of retching followed her departure.

"Is she drunk!?"

Fred spun around and found his sister clutching her stomach, shooting an accusing glare at him. "Don't look at me like that! I didn't force the Firewhiskey down her throat!"

"You're the one that insisted I go out on New Year's Eve!" Hermione called from the back garden, then promptly vomited some more. Once she had caught her breath, she added, "And you told me this morning that you were sure it wasn't labor!"

"Well, what do I know? I've never been in labor before!" Ginny shouted back, before doubling over and letting out an anguished scream.

"Ooookay!" Fred called, rubbing Ginny's back. "Where's mum?"

"Right here, dear," Molly announced, rushing past him to the meet Hermione at the back door. Hermione appeared, her face tinged green and a sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead. "Take this, Min," Molly said, tucking a blue vial of potion into Hermione's hand.

"Thank you," Hermione whispered. She downed the potion in one gulp and her face started to immediately restore its normal color. "I'm sorry, Ginny. I got pulled into a stupid drinking game and completely lost my senses. How long have you been having contractions?" Hermione came over and started smoothing Ginny's hair back from her face. With a wave of her wand, she had Ginny's hair tied back and plaited.

"I guess all day," Ginny answered, through gritted teeth. She sucked in a quick breath and let it out slowly. "I thought they were just Braxton Hicks, but then my water broke and now I'm dying!"

"You're not dying," Hermione reassured.

"It sure as hell feels like it!" Ginny stood up and looked at Hermione. Her face went from pained to joyful. "Min, your hair and that dress are amazing!"

Hermione laughed and kissed her friend's sweaty forehead. "Let's go have a baby, shall we?" Ginny nodded and Hermione turned to Fred. "I'll floo to the hospital first. Help her get on her way, and then you come after, okay?"

"Sounds good," Fred agreed. He refrained from laughing as Hermione gave the fireplace a dirty look before stepping into it. After she had disappeared within the green flames, he guided his sister into the hearth and made sure she was steady before taking a step back and watching her whirl away. Once the soot and ash had settled, Fred stepped into the fireplace, called out, "St. Mungos!" and was whisked away on the short trip to the magical hospital.

When he arrived in the large lobby, he was surprised to find it virtually empty. Aside from Hermione helping Ginny into a wheelchair, there were only two other wizards there. One was sat on a bench, leaning against the wall, fast asleep and lightly snoring. The second was sank down in a well-worn armchair, head buried in the latest Daily Prophet.

Hermione had eased Ginny into a wheel chair. Fred followed them over to the Welcome Witch station. A very bored looking witch looked up as they approached and reluctantly pushed aside her crossword puzzle. She tossed a clipboard of parchments, along with a quill, towards Hermione. Without hesitation, Hermione snatched up the quill and started scribbling out Ginny's information. Within a minute, she had it completed and handed it back to the receptionist.

"You're allowed one person in the delivery room," the receptionist informed them. "Is this the father?" she asked, looking up at Fred.

"What? Oh, no, I'm her brother," Fred told her.

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