Chapter 1

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I wake up in a sort of trance. A ringing noise fills my ears and my vision blurs in an out. Mumbled voices yell, but I dont know who they are. Where am I? What am I?

A strong unimaginable pain fills my being. The darkness surrounds me. I'm curling up into the tightest ball- or at least I think I am. I'm falling, yet floating. I dont feel a thing. I think, I believe I'm being born into a new world.

A distant scream is heard. It was too high for it not to be female. Is that my mother? Am I going to be brought out into the world now?

A piercing light of white blinds me. My vision fades in and out once again. This time, I have conciousness in the bright new world and the blurry light doesn't disappear. Instead, it invites me. Mumbling soon begins to clear into intelligible words.

"She's waking up! Report to our Supreme Leader!"

The high pitch ringing subsides. I don't know where I am but I know for sure that I have not been born. A human being in a white coat  rummages through papers and digital statistical data beside me. Metal beings that beep rush in and out of the room until I am left alone with this white coated human. He seems flustered. He fixes his glasses and looks at me.

"(F/N), can you hear me? Can you respond in any way?"

"Huh...?" Confusion overflows me. I don't know how to respond. What's a (F/N)? My voice is hoarse.

"(F/N)?" The flustered human asks looking at me. Is he referring to me? I dont know how I understand him, but I do. I may as well give it a shot.

"W...what's a (F/N)?" I say in a hoarse female voice. I guess I'm a girl.

His face lightens. His white pale face becomes pinker by the second. His odd reactions intrigue me.

"What is your name, sweetheart?" He says in a softer, more endearing tone.

"My name? Do I have one?" I honestly dont get what he is saying. Since when did I have a name? I don't remember anything. I try to sit up instinctively. I notice my arms. I pick them up and stare at my hands. I have hands and they are called hands. How do I know what they are called?

I want to look at myself. I know what that is called. It is a mirror. "Hand me a mirror." I order him. I sound so demanding. Why is that?

He nods. "Yes, Admiral" He hurries to the far end of the grey room and takes out a hand mirror from a grey metal drawer. With the same pace, he comes back and places it in my hand.

I flash a look at the reflection. Hm. I don't look bad at all. My hair was an absolute mess though. I look back at the human. "You're a doctor, right?"

"Yes, I am." He says while sitting back down on his swivel chair. "My name is Doctor Stor Arcanus."

"Ah, okay." I take the time to think about his words and how he referred me as an admiral. "So what do I command?"

Before I could be answered, the doors slam open. A tall dark haired man in black walks right up to me. His face gets real close and he smooshes his plump lips onto mine. I shove him away. "I don't know who you think you are, but don't you ever do that again. I'll have you destroyed!" My lips shoot venom at him.

His brown eyes become glassy and dark. "(F/N)?" He asks.

I still don't know what that is. "The both of you asked me that and I still don't know what a (F/N) is. Could someone please tell me?"

The man in flowing black robes looks at the doctor. Doctor Arcanus looks down to the floor, then at me. "(F/N).... is your name." He looks at me. "You are Admiral (F/N) (L/N) of the First Order."

I try to think some more. "I don't recall any of this."

"Do you remember me, (F/N)?" The standing man that kissed me says.

"That's Admiral (L/N) to you, lover boy." I squint my eyes and glare at him.

The doctor gets nervous. He runs his hand through his brown hair. "Admiral (L/N), this is your Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren.

The man now named Kylo Ren orders the doctor to leave the room. He left without hesitation with fear in his eyes.

Kylo Ren takes a seat in the doctors swivel chair. "What can you remember?" He asks, almost demanding.

"Hmm... well, my mind is completely blank. I only remember general things I guess." I reply to the Supreme Leader. His eyes burn through me, searching for something.

"You do not remember me at all?" Kylo asks.

"N-no. I don't." I say, slightly uncomfortable.

The slightest smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. It quickly disappears. He leans over and grabs my wrists. "I'm the reason you're even alive right now." He whispers into my ear.

I grit my teeth as a boiling feeling of hatred bubbles up. "Get away from me." I spit through my teeth. His hands hurt my wrists as I try to struggle free. I don't know him. I dont like him.

The man's eyes narrow at me, squeezing my wrists even harder. He quietly studies me. "What makes you think you can tell me what to do?"

A few tears run down my face. Why am I so upset? "Im... I'm sorry" I choke out. "I don't... I don't remember anything." My voice sounds so small and mousey compared to his lion of a voice. I may as well be his prey.

He releases his grip on my wrists. His brown eyes glisten in fury and rage. My wrists reddened from his painful angry grip. He turns away. Before exiting the room, he takes the large grey dresser and lunges it across the room. Papers fly everywhere. The door slams closed.

What is all of this? Why am I even here?

So, I keep writing the new order instead of the first order. It's literally all throughout the story.  If you find "new order" written, please comment for me to fix it. :/ much appreciated!

Another a/n
I wrote this years ago. It was cringe to say the least and I felt that I HAD to update a few things, take a few things out. It was a little....oof.

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