Gerard looked over at me.

His eyes caught mine and there was a hint of shame in them.

"I second what Frank said," Ray spoke out.

Mikey nodded as well.

"Well," Mrs Way carried on, "He needs some professional help."

Gerard snorted at this comment.

Mrs Way ignored him, "They want to find out what's going on in his head and find a way to help him."

I looked at Gerard again.

Silent tears were making their way down his nose.

Fucking hell...

This wasn't happening.

"How... How long for?" Mikey sniffed.

"I'm not sure," Mrs Way admitted, "I guess we'll find out when I take him on Wednesday."

You've got to be shitting me.

"What?!" I stood up, outraged, "He-he can't leave! Not so soon!"

"I know this is hard to accept, Frank, but-"

"No!" I practically yelled at her.

I looked at Gerard.

He was watching me with wide eyes.

"You can't go," I said to him.

He slowly stood up and came over to me.

"I have to, Frank," He looked down, "I'm sorry."

I could hear Mikey crying behind me.

I didn't take my eyes off of Gerard's face.

"I um... I'm going to have a lie down," Mrs Way told us, "I'm sorry... This is just too much for me at the moment."

She left the room, crying.

Jesus Christ.

Gerard was still looking at the floor.

I glanced behind at Mikey and Ray.

Mikey was sobbing, his arms around Ray's waist and his head leant against his chest.

Ray had his arms around Mikey and was stroking his hair soothingly.

I looked back at Gerard.

He was looking at me.

"I'll eat..." He whispered, "I'll eat so I can get back as soon as possible. They let you out as soon as you reach a healthy weight."

I nodded, taking it all in.

"I care more about you than losing weight," He blushed.

I bit my lip and pulled him into a hug.

He melted into it and started crying on my shoulder.

"I want you to get better properly, Gerard. Not just eat a shitload so you can get out as soon as possible. I don't want you to go but... I want you to get better."

He nodded against my shoulder.

"It'll all be fine, Gee. I'm not going anywhere."

Ray and Mikey appeared at my side and Gerard let go.

"We'll support you until the end, Gee," Ray smiled, "You'll get through this."

"Yeah," Mikey had collected himself, "We'll always be here."

He was right.

Gerard would never be alone through this.

"Thanks, guys," Gerard's eyes welled up with tears again.

"Group hug!" Ray suddenly attacked us.

"Fucking hell, Ray!" I laughed as he squished us all together.

"Shit," Mikey dropped his glasses.

"Is this necessary?" Gerard laughed, his shoulder pressed against my cheek.

"Yes! Hugs always help!" Ray pulled us in tighter.

"Jesus Christ! I can't fucking see!" Mikey couldn't help but laugh.

Ray finally let go and we more or less all fell on the floor.

"Feeling better, Gee?" I asked as Mikey scrambled for his glasses.

"I am now," He smirked.

"See!" Ray grinned in pride, "Hugs always help! I told you!"

"Yeah, cheers for that, Ray," Mikey mumbled when he could see again.

"You are very welcome, Michael!" Ray put an arm around his shoulders.

"Don't call me 'Michael'," Mikey pouted.

I smirked and said, "It's a beautiful name."

He glowered at me and muttered, "Fuck off, Iero."

I winked at him and Gerard laughed.

"So," I stood up, "Star Wars, anyone?"

"Fuck yeah!" Ray jumped onto the sofa, dragging Mikey along with him.

I looked down at Gerard and held out my hand.

He smiled before taking it and letting me help him up.


"No problem," I slowly let go of his hand.

"Uh, guys?" Mikey frowned at us, "Are we gonna watch this fucking movie or what?"

"Yeah, come on!" Ray leant on Mikey's shoulder, "I'm getting tired."

"You slept on the way here," Mikey looked down at him.

Ray just shrugged in response.

Mikey rested his head next to Ray's and switched on the TV.

Gerard had the trilogy in his hand and put in the first disk.

He then pushed Mikey and Ray along the sofa and sat down next to them.

He patted the sofa next to him

I smiled and sat down.

As the film started, I glanced over at Mikey and Ray.

They were both still using each other as a pillow and had their eyes closed.

I looked at Gerard.

He was watching me with those hazel eyes of his.

"Thanks, Frank," He whispered.

I frowned so he continued, "Thanks for being here. Thanks for meeting me. You have no idea how glad I am that you came to our table at lunch on your first day."

I smiled and replied, "I know what you mean. I'm pretty fucking happy that you invited me back to your house."

Gerard smiled and stroked my hand with his.

I looked back at Mikey and Ray.

They were both pretty out of it.

I slowly moved my hand and laced my fingers through Gerard's.

Gerard smiled as he watched the movie.

I looked back at the screen and stroked the back of his hand with my thumb.

Gerard would be fine.



Hahaha I'm nowhere near to ending this story.

I have a feeling I'll get to like 100 chapters and still won't be finished haha.

Guys, I just want to let you know that your comments mean a lot to me.

I love reading them.

They make me smile which is nice because lately I haven't had much to smile about.

So yeah thanks :)

-Beth :3

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankWhere stories live. Discover now