I AM BACK: chapter 5

Mulai dari awal

christa protested "hey i can handle myself and besides while i really want to see it's face full of pain i'm not that reckless" selina rolls her eyes and responds to her "oh really now ?" seli became serious again and says

"look the only way to find out if  HE's awake is if you investigate it, so please hurry up so we don't have our backs cracks on the paperworks to do " christa pales and immediately agrees and  ends the call

christa  immediately told her children her plans and after a few plannings they all decide to do the investogation tomorrow, leading christa to close the connection and went to the garden to watch harry play

flashback ends

crista looks at harry again with her soft gold eyes and says to him softly "harry, can you come over here ? i got something to tell you" we then see harry ran to the tree with crista laying under it

"yes maman ?" harry asks while walking close to crista. crista immediately hugs harry and nugs him making harry laugh and yells at her hearthingly to let him go

crista lets him go and lets harry to sit at her lap to relax ftom all the runnings "harry, do you want me to change your name ? " harry looks up to crista with his innocent eyes and questions her "why ?"

crista squeezed him tightly abefore saying "i know that you want to keep the name your mom and dad gave you, but i also wanna name you" she stops a bit while stroking his hair and brgan yo speak again

"you can deny it, I'll just let it be your nickname but i wanna know if you can allow me to change it" she ends her mutterings, leaving harry a moment to think. harry looks back down, thinking for a bit before looking up again with a smile and says

"i really want to be named by you" crista twiches but harry continues "but i wanna keep the name my mama and papa gave to me, so can i have the latter instead, being a name to family only?" he ends it with a smile, making crista smile back.

"okay....how about hadrie ? how does that suit you ?" harry makes a mini cringe and crista smiles and carries harry a spot right next to her and exclaims while standing up immediately "welp its decided, your name is hadrie" before running for her life as harry gasps in horror and chases his maman shouting "maman, no that name!!!"

crista laughs and looks at the bright blue sky 'while i am sad by the outcome of other dimensions, i'm glad' crista looks back down 'that i have my children to comfort me and help me cheer up in my sad days'

crista looks back at harry who tries to catch up to me and looks at the front 'oh well I'll just say to him about that small information later' they then runs back to the halls with their hearts filled with happiness

timeskip to tomorrow

"today i want all of you to do what we are all born to do, so get moving everyone !!!!" crista shouts as they sll do a salute at her and went to work

the scene is situated in a sark room with a few bright cyan light lines, situated like the lines from an engine computer. in the middle of the dark light is a big bright blue screen stationed at the wall almost engulfing the whole wall and a bright turqoise hologramic sphere which shows each dimension of each planet and lastly, a long table, filled with advance computers, opening at the middle stair that leads to a mother super computer rooms, situated at the sides of the globe and at the wall of 1 hall that leads to the 3 rooms of super computer

with a few swips, which leads the globe to flip like flipping a magezine before stoping at one place in a scan "maman, we found the reason why the dimensions was destroyed" kira, a young girl with black hair with maroon highlights and red eyes, says to crista

"what is the cause  ?" crisra asks kira which she began to read the scan's report "well apparently the dimensions found an existence or destroyment that wasn't supposed to be in their system and restarted their existence by starting the bomb reactor which led them to self destruct"

she told to her mom as she swipes to different dimension and scans it before revealing the same report as the previous one "all of them have the same cause of destroyment as the previous dimensions did"

crista raises a brow at the report 'all of them ?' "did you find  out on who cause the destroyment and the started existence ?" lilis, a girl with brunette hair and sakura pink eyes answers her question "we identified the cause" lilis looks at the screen infront of her twice

"i-it's the magic signature of fate!" everone looks at her in shock for 1 minute befor crista began to speak, immediately shaking off the shock "i want sector 32 to contact faith and investigate more about the event, the rest of you help selina with the search of survivors" they shouted "yes ma'm" before moving out to do the orders assigned to them

crista leaves the room by telaporting to room 948 and walks out off it and walks in the hall with sector 32, which consists of kira, lilis, harley and 5 unknown to us, personels

"how many dimensions have been destroyed so far?" she asks while her heels click on the crystal floor, walking to the meeting room as 1 of her unknown personel contacts  faith and ends the call to say that he is coming immediately

"42 maman" lilis tells her as she looks at the advanced tablet she gave on her arm before checking the reports. crista winced at the amount of destroyed dimensions 'while its not that many, im worried about the species staying on them'

"okay do send a message to faith to wait a bit, harley you come with me, the rest of you go to faith to give him the report fate has done behind his back again in room 34" all of them nods as crista wents to anothet hall with harley running to her

"mom why aren't we joining them" harley asks as they went to an elevator and clicks the 667 floor "i have a feeling i should check on our seers before going to meet him"

harley looks at her puzzedly "why ?" they both heard a ding and they both went out the elevator and walks at a long hall "because i have a feeling that something big is about to happen" she pauses a bit at her conversation while looking at the number situated infront of the doors as they pass by

"and that feeling is directed towards harry" harley's cyan eyes widens "why-" her speech was cutten off as they arrived at the room 52, their destination. crista knocks and immediately the door opens

a woman with pale skin, blue and almond shaped eyes, black silky hair covered in a violet hood of a black cape greets them "we have been waiting for you maman"

she opens the door wider for them to step in snd they did. when they went inside they see 6 identical women of the one who opened the door, on the gold floor with a white magical kraeree circle drawn as wide as the whole circular room

it shows in the middle a velvet blue pilloe with a glass sphere shining a bright sky blue color. showing fate

anyway guys that's it for this chapter and im so sorry for the writer's block. i got so many chances at updating the story and it just slips in my mind anyways i hope i will write the chapter as soon as possible and i hope you enjoyed this chapter. so bye guys and see you on chapter 6

peace☆☆☆☆☆☆ !!!!!!!!

A Female Warrior and A HeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang