Chapter 7: Pregnant?

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Chapter 7: Pregnant?

*Rhon's ~POV~* 

I drive back to my appartment alone because I need some time to think about what happened last night and the possibility that I might be pregnant. Pregnant..... the word feels wierd to even think. What am I gonna do if I am pregnant? Will Eric move from the DR to the states or want me to move with him to the DR? What if Eric doesn't want the child? What is Keira gonna think? I can't just leave her. Stop thinking so much I scold myself. There is no sense in freaking out just yet. Maybe I'm safe and I'm not pregnant. I just have to wait and see. I pull up to my appartment and see Keira walking in with the mail. I guess I should talk to her about what she heard last night. 

"Hey Keira. What ya wanna do today?" I ask as I walk up to her. 

"I don't know. Maybe go to the beach, why?" She asks as she hands me a letter. 

"Well I thought we could do something together." I say jumping on the counter to read my mail. Its a letter from my little sisters. 

"Yeah but we should go shopping first! We could buy new bathing suits." She says hopping up beside me. "What do the twins have to say?" She glances at my unread letter. 

Dear Sissy,

We miss you so much! We want to see you but Daddy wont send us to LA. He says that we aren't old enough to fly by ourselves. When are you coming home? Our summer break just started and we would like to see you before school starts in three months. Laura has a crush on Jake Williams, he is wierd. I love you, Rhonda! 




Don't listen to Ruby, she's the one who has a crush on the wierd kid. His name is Timmy Harris, and he is always on his laptop or tablet. I don't think he could survive without technology, lol. Do you think Daddy would let us go to LA if you came and got us? I really want to see to ocean. I miss you so much! Could you tell Keira I said hi, please. I love you to the moon and back. 


Pom pom

"They are so sweet!" Keira gushed.

"Yeah they are." I say turning to look at her. "So ummm.... what all did you hear last night?" I ask quietly looking down.

"Well at first I though maybe it was the neighbor or something. That is until I heard you calling out for more and your bed banging against the wall. I had a hard time sleeping with you yelling, and I quote; "Oh baby! Oh don't stop!". Did you know that you are a screamer?" She asks shaking her head.

"I've been told that a time or two." I laugh out of embarassment. "Sorry you had to hear that." 

"Its ok I guess.... Just please tell me you guys were careful." She says sounding like a mother.

"Umm... about that......" I trail off looking anywhere but at her. "We were a little too caught up in the moment and he never got around to putting on a condom." I mutter hoping she didn't hear me. 

"RHONDA LEE CARNAHAN!!" She yells and I slowly glance over at her. Oh shit she is pissed, I'm glad Eric isn't here because she probably would kill him. As it is I think she might kill me.

"Yes?" I ask causionly. 

"I should kick you ass all the way back to Michigan!" She exclaims. 

"I'm sorry but it just happened! Anyways Eric was told that if I am pregnant and he tries to skip out on me and the baby Letty is gonna kick his ass. She told Brian the same thing."

"Fine but I'm gonna help her. Wait why did she tell Brian that too?" She asks.

"Because Mia is pregnant." I jump off the counter.

"Thats awesome!" She say following me out to the living room.

"Hey still wanna go shopping then hit the beach?" I ask to change the subject and it works. All you have to do is mention shopping and she forgets what your were talking about. 

"Of course!" Keira sqeals.

*15 Minutes Later* 

"Keira!! That's the tenth bathingsuit you tried on. If you don't but one we're never gonna make it to the beach." I call as I sit in front of the dressing room with my purple bathingsuit and sprakly skirt cover. 

"Alright, alright! Last one," She walks out in a hot pink one piece with cutouts. "I really like this one. Should I buy it?" 

"Of course it's beatiful. Now go change and lets pay for them." I tell her as my phone dings. Its a text from Eric. 


Eric: Hey baby what are ya doing today?

Me: Going to the beach w/ my girl Keira. Wanna come? 

Eric: If its ok w/ u and Keira. Can I bring the boys?

Me: I'll ask Keira. Love ya

Eric: k Love ya 2

        *End of texts*

"He Keira mind if Eric and the boys come with us?" I ask as we walk to the counter. 

"Not at all." She smirks and I know what she's thinking. We pay and head out. I toss her my keys and climb in the passanger seat pulling out my phone. 


Me: Keira said its ok, but beware she might yell at u. 

Eric: OK y? 

Me: Bcuz u might have put a baby inside of me :p

Eric: O right lol meet ya there

        *End of texts* 

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