Chapter 4: Friends or Something More

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Chapter 4: Friends or Something More


          *Rhon's ~POV~*

When we got to the shop, I went over and started working on Eric's car. I heard footsteps and then felt a hand on my thigh. I grabbed the hand and twisted the wrist, shoving out from under the car at the same time. I realized it was Eric and quickly let go of his wrist.

"Oh, hun I'm so sorry!" I say embarrassed that I hurt him.

"That's ok." He sat rubbing his wrist. "Were the hell did you learn how to do that?"

"I took kick boxing, martial arts, and self-defense classes when I first moved to Florida." I say shrugging.

"Wow I guess it's best not to piss you off." He jokes.

"I really am sorry, baby. I didn't want to hurt you." I looks away.

"It's ok really. Hey look at me..." He tilts my head up to look in my eyes. "I like you a lot."

"I...I like you, too." I say without realizing what I said. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Awwww!!" Mia says from behind us.

"Way to kill the moment Mia!" I say pulling away to see Mia and Letty smiling at us. "Mia aren't you supposed to be opening the store?"

"Yeah and Letty we have cars that we need to finish." Eric said. 

"We get it we'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Oh and keep it PG in the shop." Letty jokes.

"We will unlike you and Dom." Eric calls.

Letty rolled her eyes, shook her head, and walked away. Mia winked at me and took off to the store. I smiled at Eric then I grabbed his shirt, pulled him towards me, and kissed him again.

          *Eric's ~POV~*

Unwillingly I pulled away from Rhon. I could get used to kissing her. I smiled and looked into her sparkling blue eyes.

"If you want me to race, then we have to finish my car." I tell her.

Rhon pouts but says, "Fine. I have to ask Jesse about mine. I'll be right back." I watched her get up and run off.

"She wants in your pants dawg," Leon calls from under a nearby car.

"Well, I might just let her. If I don't come home tonight tell Dom not to freak out," I say.

Vince walks up with a wrench and grease rag, "Man, you gonna get lucky?"

"That's classified information." Rhon said coming up behind him.

Vince turns around and asks, "Damn girl where did you come from?"

"God sent me to knock that cocky assed smug smile off your face." She laughed at the dumb-struck look on Vince's face.

          ~I had a dream last night I had high top Nikes, diamond in my mouth and           diamonds on my mic!~

"What the hell is that?" Vince asks.

"My phone." Rhon said and reached in her pocket and pulled out a purple and white cell phone.

"Something important?" I ask hoping it's not.

"No just my roommate. She was kinda worried that I didn't come home last night." She tells me.

"Cut the chit-chat and get back to work!" Dom yells.

          *Rhon's ~POV~*

After finishing two cars, Eric's and mine, we went to the store/ diner to get lunch. Mia was sitting on the counter when we walked in.

"Hey Mia! We need the boys' lunch before they come down here and raid your store." I call.

"It will be a minute." Mia says getting up.

"Ok." I jumped up on the counter and Eric moves to stand in front of me. I leaned down and kissed him.

"If you two even think about doing anything else in my store I will kill the both of you!" Mia snaps at us.

"Chill Mia, we were just kissing," I say with a sigh.

"We would never do anything in public. If we wanted to do that we would go back to the house." Eric smiles up at me.

"I know it's just... I'm... Annoyed... Frustrated!" Mia says as she finishes the food.

"Let me guess, Brian?" I guess.

"Of course!" Mia says throwing her hands in the air.

"Take the food to that wolf pack back at the shop." I tell Eric.

"Ok, baby." He grabbed the food, kissed me, and took off.

"So you wanna talk about it?" I ask wanting to help if I can.

"Sure. So Brian and I have been together awhile, ya know. Well last night I mentioned having children. Brian told me he didn't want kids... at least not right now, not while we are still in the racing world." She sighed and shook her head sadly.

"But racing is your life! Does he expect you to just give it up?" I ask in complete shock.

"I don't know. He loves racing too and I've never really known life without it." Mia tells me.

"I'm sure if you give him time he'll come around."

"I hope so... soon." She muttered the last part looking down.

"Why? Mia are you....?"  I trail off.

"I'm not sure... I... ummm... I'm late. But don't tell anyone!!" Mia all but yelled.

"I won't." I promised.

"So what's up with you and Eric?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"Ummm...we're dating... I think." I murmured.

"Think? What is there to think about? The way you look at each other tells all." She says rolling her eyes at me.

"Really?" I ask.

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