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WeRCharm is a girl group that's been around for many years. They were something like a mini Destiny's child! The group has been through a total of at least 12 members. Many would say with the last set of five that they had in the group, they were destined for greatness. A lot of fans wondered why the group had broke up back in like 2016. Most of the fans had put together that the group had ended.
After it was confirmed they lost a lot of fans. Everyone was anticipating on their album that was suppose to drop but it did not happen at all. Pretty much everyone was bummed about it. They had two top fans that supported them throughout anything tho. WeRCharm 2014-2016 was an era! They were one of the best girl groups out in Atlanta at the time besides what the naysayers had to say. The girls always remained confident with their head high throughout the good and the bad.
Throughout this book I'm going to be talking bout the members that were in Charm and what they are doing now. So sit back and get ready to read about them.
WeRCharm is a girl group in Atlanta,Georgia. Charm stands for Confident, Humble, Artisitic, Ready, and Motivated. Charm is an urban pop group that was founded in 2010. There are 5 members ; Shania ( Shi ) , Trinity ( Trin ) , Payton ( Pay) , Autumn , & Xiamara ( Xi ) . Their group is positive and the girls are known to be role models to a lot of young girls around the world. They released an EP called " The Love EP" and two singles " Glo Up" and " They don't know " . In 2014 Charm was rewarded two Clean Music Movement Awards for Best Duo/group girls. They also were awarded for being role models by the Dekalb County Police Athletic League. Now let me introduce you to the girls.

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