"I cannot be summoned like some mongrel pup." Jones spits at Beckett as he walks into the galley.

Beckett simply smiles as he takes a sip of his tea. "Apparently you can. I believe you two know each other" he says as he gestures to me.

Jones follows his movement and notices me, "Ah, Master Turner, come to join my crew once again?" He croons.

I smile, "Not yours, his." I point to Beckett plainly. "Oh, and Jack Sparrow sends his regards."

Jones' face morphs into a look of confusion. "Sparrow?"

I look at Beckett, "You have yet to tell him?" Beckett makes no reply and I turn back to Jones. "We rescued Jack from the locker along with the Pearl,  though we were quite upset to find that Captain Rose wasn't there."

Once again Jones changes mood and his tentacles start writhing with anger as her rounds on Beckett. "What else haven't you told me? Has Captain Rose magically come back from the dead too?"

Beckett scoffs "There are more important, more troubling issues at hand. I believe you're familiar with a woman named Calypso-"

"Not a woman, not even a person." Jones cuts him off. "A heathen God. One who only finds pleasure in cursing men with their wildest dreams, then revealing those wishes to be hollow, empty and naught but ash. The world is better rid of her."

I laugh. "Not quite so actually, the Brethren Court is convening and they intend to release her."

"No, they cannot! The Court that bound her promised to imprison her for eternity. That was our agreement." Jones exclaims.

"Agreement?" Beckett asks

Jones squares his shoulders and glares at Beckett. "I showed them how to bind her. She couldn't be trusted. I had no choice. We have to stop them before they can release her. "

I remember now, the legend of Davy Jones. "You loved her. She's the one, and then you betrayed her."

"She pretended to love me! She betrayed me!"

I smile. "And I wonder, after which betrayal did you cut out your heart?"

He swings his arm at me and knocks my teacup out of my hand. "Do not test me."

"I hadn't finished that." I stand up and stare him in the eyes. "You will free my father, Jones. And you, Beckett, will guarantee Elizabeth's safety, along with my own."

Beckett clenches his jaw. "Your terms are steep Mister Turner. We will expect a fair value in return."

"There is one and only one price I will accept. Calypso. Dead." Jones cuts in.

I smirk. "Calypso is aboard the Black Pearl as we speak. And they are headed for Shipwreck Cove, where the Court is meeting."

"But with you no longer aboard her leaving us a trail, how do you propose getting us there?" Beckett asks.

I reach into my pocket and hold up Jack's Compass. "What is it you want most?"

Jack's POV:

I open my eyes and blink in the sunlight streaming through the Pearl's windows. 

We've been sailing for two weeks to reach shipwreck cove and we're due to arrive this afternoon. 

My feet begin to move on their own and I find myself in front of my desk in the galley. Funny that I have a desk and I hardly use it. I automatically open the drawer on the left-hand side and tap the switch to open the secret compartment.

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