Chapter 4 : Math Class Incident

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Soo, here is chapter 4 :) Oh, thank you for those who have given me ideas, it really has stopped my writers block problem :]]] Thank you again and I hope you all like this chapter!



& pls do fan ;]]]


Chapter 4 : Math Class Incident T.T

Rj's P.O.V: ( oh, if u don't remember, Rj is the New kid )

I sighed. Phew! Finally! Away from that creepy drama queen.. what was her name?

"Amber?" Yes! That's it, Amber! Wait.. who was that? Oh, please don't be Amber!!

I turned and saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She had long brown hair, that was in pretty curls. She also had emerald green eyes... oh and her lips! It was pink and looked so- "Are you done, checking out our friend yet?" Said a girl with black curly hair.

"And dudeee! Eww! Wipe your mouth, your drooling!" Oh.. I was.

"You two! Stop being so horrible to him! We are supposed to help him, not make it worse for him!" My dream girl shouted. Ohhh.. feisty! Me likey!

Then I was back to being confused. I mean, who wouldn't be?

"Umm.. who are you?" I asked. They all looked at me, and I looked back. An awkward silence was upon, and only the tick ( and tock ) of the clock, could be heard......... Everyone was silent.

"Okay! Like, please stop this awkwardness!" A girl with long blond hair said. Everyone calmed down.

"Anyway.. boy. We are your Guardian Angels! , I am Kaycie, the girl with black curly hair is , Savanah - we call her Sav for short, and the girl with blond long hair is Elizabeth - Lizzy for short.. and together we help rescue those who have been targeted by the Casanova Brat Queen - Amber Le Sparkle!" The girl Kaycie announced. Well.. that was.. uhh.. I actually don't know what to say...

"I'm Rj Vrox, umm.. nice to meet you, I guess?" I replied back, as I shook hands with them.

Suddenly, I was grabbed and hidden in the Janitors closet. It happened so fast! Are those girls out of their minds?! Why would they lock me in a - oh.. Amber's here! And, realisation finally hit me :L

I peaked and listened through the gaps on the door. Nosy, I know! But hey! It's about me that they are talkin' about -.-

"Kaycie..." I heard Amber say.

"Amber.." Kaycie replied. Ohhh.. must be tense out there! I can feel the negative aura in here! I'll just stay inside and avoid trouble.

" Kaycie, have you seen Rj Vrox anywhere? I am sure you know by now that he's this month's target? " She asked. Kaycie chuckled, while glaring at Amber.

"Of course I know. And I am sure you also know, that you will fail to get him, just like you failed to get all the others. We always win.. " Added Kaycie.

Sheeeeppp! I hate this school, I'm being targeted. Well.. what can I say? I am hot ;P ( A/N: The Ego on this boy! )

"Right, come on out! The Bitc- I mean female dog, is gone :) " Savanah said. Phew! Thank god!

" Uhh.. thank you. You guys have been a great help, I over heard your conversation and I guess I'll be seeing more of you pretty ladies. I'll give you a whistle when I'm in trouble.. till' next time .." I said, while giving them a wink. I have to use my charm! And get me some girlss! Know what I mean my friends? ;]]]

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