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✔Before we get into the categories, awards, forms and the other chapters, let's run through first the following rules. Such rules should be followed or ELSE this will result to ULTIMATE disqualification. (This means, that you will be blacklisted and can no longer participate in the next year's awards.)


📌 For the participants:

1. You must follow Duchessofthebluetown and Arilezx PERMANENTLY. Failure to do so will cause ultimate disqualification.

2. Follow the judges in your category PERMANENTLY. Ultimate disqualification will be bestowed on the people who will fail to do the aforementioned tasks.

3. Be kind and show sportsmanship. Don't make strife with the other partcipants because of jealousy or other things.

4. Don't bribe the judges. This is against the ethics of this awards.

5. Please read all of the chapters before entering. A lot of things were mentioned here and we're expecting you to read everything.

6. You can enter a maximum of 3 books. Provided that this will be in different categories

7. You can be a judge. Provided that the category you will be joining in is different from the category you applied for as a participant.

8. Lastly, follow this account and place this in your reading list or library so that you will be updated.

PASSWORD: Hail the 7 kings of the kingdom!


📌 For the judges:

1. Follow Duchessofthebluetown and Arilezx PERMANENTLY. This is needed so that the hosts will be able to contact you easily.

2. You DON'T need to follow the participants.

3. Please follow the DATES mentioned in this awards. This is to ensure that the awards will go smoothly.

4. You can be a participant. As long as the category you will be joining is not the same category you will be judging.

5. There is a chapter explaining the criteria for judging. Please follow the format of the said criteria.

6. Practice CONFIDENTIALITY. Scores should be kept between you and the hosts until announcement date and no one, should know about it or else, you will be blacklisted from this awards.

7. The scores shall be sent via pm in host Arilezx account.

8. You can only judge in maximum 3 categories

PASSWORD: In the seven kings we trust.

The Kingdom of BTS Awards (2018)Where stories live. Discover now