~•Chapter Four•~

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~•3rd Person POV•~

Gentle morning sunlight seeped from the crevasses in the blinds and flowed elegantly into your bedroom. The golden rays of light streaming into the room caught on your eyes, the relaxing warm light forcing you to awake. Your eyes slowly fluttered opened as the sleep faded away and you were brought into the waking world. You squinted your eyes from the burst of light and shielded your vision with a hand.

      After a few short moments you pried your eyes open again, ignoring the suns light glaring in your eyes. Stretching out your limbs and rubbing your eyes to rid them of sleep, you lazily directed your half-lidded eyes and glanced over at the alarm clock. You read outloud the time displayed on the digital screen in slight disbelief.

"6:10." you spoke, taken aback slightly. You reread the pixelated green numbers again with furrowed brows scrunched together in confusion.

"Huh. That's odd. I never wake up this early." Shrugging your shoulders, you decided to started the new day early before heading off to the dreadful place that was school. Maybe you would feel more energized, focused, and more lively if you awoke earlier and made it a new part of your daily ritual before heading off to school.

     A yawn emitted from your parted lips as you arose from the comforting embrace of the bed and blankets. You pushed the blankets off of your form and swung your legs over the bed. You planted your bare feet down onto the ground and gazed out of the window, staring at the enormous fiery ball that the sun was. It was positioned above the horizon pleasingly, and casted an orange hue on all of Japan.

      For some strange reason, the glow of the glorious sun familiarized you with something else. More particularly- someone else. A certain blonde-haired delinquent to be exact.

“The sun kind of reminds me of Umeji's eyes..” you mumbled to yourself nonchalantly without thinking properly as you continued to stare out of your window from where you were.

Awareness crossed you a few moments later and your eyes grew expansive, repulsed. “What the hell?! Ew! Why did I say that?!” you grumbled to yourself, feeling embarrassed and disgusted that you allowed yourself to say something as idiotic as that.

      A furious scarlet blush caught aflame on your cheeks, igniting your countenance with a heated red tinge. Why in the world did you think of Umeji that way? He was just some rebellious boy with constant delinquent tendencies, and he happened to despise you. You hated him as well. It's not like you liked him... right? You inwardly scolded yourself, your blush deepening in its shade. Perhaps you weren't thinking straight; it was early morning, after all, and your body wasn't used to being awoken at that time of the day.

      Shaking your head from side to side, you promptly dismissed it and stood up and trudged your way towards the bathroom. You approached the door, opening and closing it behind you and began to do your morning nessecities as your daily routine.

      Slipping out of your fluffy and snuggly pajamas, you stepped into the shower and slid the white and black polka dotted shower cover all the way over for privacy. You cranked the dials, trying to get the water at a perfect lukewarm temperature. An exhale of relief escaped your mouth once the warm water showered down on your being, giving you an instant wave of refreshment.

“Nothing better like a nice shower in the morning.” you stated to no one in particular.

      The flowing water glided down your body in the form of hundreds of tiny water droplets maneuvering down your figure. All the lingering effects of sleep washed away from your consciousness and a burst of reinvigorated energy flashed over you. The freshening sensation of water pelting down upon you felt like someone was peppering tender kisses against your body. It was heavenly and relaxing, and you let out a satisfied sigh. You grabbed ahold of the poofy loofah, applying scented body soap to it and began scrubbing while lightly singing your favorite tunes.

《The Bad Boy》Umeji Kizuguchi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now