The Mission in Iran Part 1

Start from the beginning

Seconds after he flops onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling in thought, a small knock sounds at the door. He smiles as Tony walks into his room. He's trying to match Peter's smile, but it comes out nervous and upset.

"What's going on, Mr. Stark?" Peter whispers. "Where are you going?"

Tony takes a seat next to Peter on his bed. "Something came up in Iran. The Avengers and I-"

"You get to work with the Avengers?!" Peter cries excitedly, before looking at Tony's startled expression. "Right. Of course you get to. Sorry, continue."

"Well, we're all heading there to take a look, but it's not pretty."

"How bad is it?"

"Like, eight hundred people have mysteriously died within the last two days." Tony shakes his head. "So, we're going to figure out what the heck is even happening."

"Are you..." Peter hesitates before asking, but Tony knows what he's going to ask.

"Kid, if I'm being honest, I'm terrified out of my wits. I've never seen anything like this, and we've almost never walked into anything so unprepared."

"And you're still going?" Peter says incredulously.

"Of course I am." Tony smiles. "I have no idea what this world would do without me. I mean, they'd be pretty helpless, am I right?" He nudges Peter's shoulder delicately.

"Could I go?" Peter asks suddenly. Tony just stares at him. "Did you hear a word of anything I just said? People. Dying. Unknown. Definite no."

"But, I could help! I could be backup!" Peter says excitedly. "Plus, I could meet the Avengers!"

"Kid, it's just not safe, and having you running around an area that we're not even sure what's happening, well... it just isn't going to work out."

"I... alright." Peter says, sighing. "But you have to be careful." Tony laughs. "When am I not careful?" Peter just gives him a look as he walks out of the room.

Later that night, Peter sat awake, tossing and turning, trying to think of a way that he could go with Tony. Honestly, he was more worried than before, which he knew was why Tony didn't tell him before. But, he still couldn't shake the images of Tony being shot from the sky, or Tony not coming back at all. He could sense that Pepper was nervous, which only fueled his thoughts more.

Then, tomorrow came all too quickly, meaning that it was time for Tony to leave.

"Be safe." Pepper hugs Tony and kisses him lightly on the cheek. He whispers something in her ear, and she nods and smiles sadly at him.

"Bye, Pete." Tony moves his attention to Peter who is staring at him.

"Do you really have to go?" Peter says, his voice hardly above a whisper. He feels selfish just asking, and he knows that nothing is going to change, but it's worth a shot.

"If I could stay with you guys, I would." Tony's voice cracks with sentiment, but he coughs quickly to cover it up. "I'll see you soon, and I'll try to have FRIDAY update you guys." He smiles at both of them and grabs Peter in a nervous hug before heading out to the Quinn Jet. Peter can hear him telling Happy to set everything up, and Peter mumbles an excuse about doing homework before running off.

Once in his room with the door closed, he slips through the window and sprints towards the jet. No one is anywhere in sight, but he knows that he'll definitely be spotted if he sits in the cockpit. He looks around hopefully, trying to find something to hide himself in. There it is, an empty case surrounded by ones with the tops already on. His perfect chance, almost as if it is begging him to enter it.

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