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mentions heavy things ahead. please read at your own risk

How many words: 715 words

How long: 5 years

3rd person's POV

As the abusive man looks at her body he begins to freak out. I mean he had occasionally knocked her out, but it was only at the clubhouse. never at the school. of coarse he couldn't give two fucks about her, but if someone sees that he did this to her, he is so fucked.
see, the man wanted to be a graffiti style artist. zayn loved the idea of going out and doing a wrong thing, but making it so pretty. but, back to the task at hand. as he was thinking what to do he came up with two options. he could one, leave her there. or two, pick her up and take her to the clubhouse. "you fucking idiot, of course you have to pick her up. if you leave her here they're going to look back at the security cameras and then you'll be royally fucked." The voice said. Yep. He hears voices. by the way, Incase you couldn't catch on, the voice named jack told him to start fucking with Jordan. reason being, jack saw her as a threat. he's always known that pretty girls were all the same. populars were always the same. and since he could tell that Jordan would be both of those, he decided that it would be a good idea to put that flame out. before something could even have the chance to happen.

zayn trusts jack, as jack has saved zayn in many situations. although that doesn't mean it saved the people that were involved. the abusive man never in his life thought he would ever want to hurt a woman. but jack knows what's best for him. so zayn will do anything that he says. so what does zayn do? he picks Jordan up Bridal style, and carries her to the club house.
The Clubhouse. that name strikes fear in the school members hearts. what happens there is only the fucked up shit you'd see in a doc or movie. drugs. murder. gangs started there. even rape. I'm glad to say zayn wasn't apart of any of those things. he does smoke weed though. as zayn finishes his thoughts he realizes he is in front of the clubhouse doors. and he remembers everything and anything that they do to women here. the disgusting things they do to women. "who gives a fuck? I know you don't. she deserves it anyway." says jack. " no jack. I'm not doing that. that's fucked up on way to many levels." "okay zayn, where do you think we should take her?" says jack. " let's just take her to our house" said zayn. " are you insane?" " yes?" jack sighed. " why on earth would we do that? all she's gonna do is fuck us over and make fun of us. like the rest of them." Zayn began to feel hurt and anger boil inside of him. yes you heard him right. them. like I said earlier, Zayn had gotten bullied from 6th to 8th grade. what's the reason? because there will always be toxic people in this world, no matter what age. and in about 7th grade, jack came around. zayn talked to himself, as he had no friends. then eventually, someone ended up answering. at first, zayn was scared of the random voice of the man. but, eventually zayn grew quite found of jack. " jack, what is she going to do? we control her remember?" says zayn. " all right. Fuck it. let's take her home. but when you see what she'll do to us when she has the chance, don't come begging me for help." and off they went. to start a very messy situation.

okay finally chapter three. y'all I'm so sorry babes. I know I'm a terrible queen of the stans. but anyway this is the cast cause I don't wanna take a whole other chapter to do it. ❤️🖤❤️


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