Chapter 2

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"Oh let me go get some black flats from the attic while you guys get in the car!" Daddy picked me up. I taped on his shoulder he looked at me "What buddy?" I pointed at Teddy. "Oh of coarse how can I forget Teddy." He pick Teddy up and gave me him.

He opened the door to the car and placed me in my car seat. He shut the door. "You do know that was my second birthday party dress and this is you last time wearing it." My sister said. My dad opened his door to sit in the driver spot.

Mommy came out the door and in to the passenger side. "Here sweetheart put these on your brother for me." She handed my sister the black flats. She rolled her eyes and put them on me not nicely I should say.
I was in the car for a long time I was slowly falling asleep.

I was shook awake by mommy,she picked me up and carry me in to a BIG stone house. There was soft music playing and low talking. Mommy put me down and held my hand there were so many people walking around or just talking to others. Mommy walked up to some people and started talking for what felt like for ever but stop because of a loud bell went off. Everyone went's quite.

I look up to the top of the stairs to see a scary man and a women with two kids by here side. Also next to them was a man with the bell.

"Hello and welcome to the fang castle we are all here today to get your daughter a groom and the other way around. Now one thing the king asks for is to wait for his son to come to you before you come to them. So do not approach the princes they are look for one person and that is there bride. So if they do not talk to you, you may not talk to them. Please and thank you."

"Sweetie go have fun you don't need to stand by me the whole time oh and if any asks you to meet there parents say no." I nodded and started walking to ware the food and candy was it smelled so good.

Plus there was a chocolate fountain there! I try to grab some grapes but I can't reach! Oh maybe Teddy can get it I look down at my hand to see nothing then I look to my other hand to not see him ether. Oh Teddy want to play hind and seek but he didn't tell me silly Teddy you have to tell me!

I walk all around. But could not find him I little legs started to get tired so I went to sit down at a white cloth covered table and just sat there luckily no one was there. I swung my legs back and fourth. Some one started to pull out the chair to my left it was one of the guys from the stair case. I look to my right to see the other one in the seat next to me.

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