Chapter Nineteen

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I could tell that due to all those bikes, it was obviously a biker club/gang. Whether they were here to threaten or help Ryder I did not know. Do I want to get involved? This could be dangerous. - You love him and this could involve his daughter. - That voice whispered softly. His daughter? Why would it involve his daughter?... What if it does involve his daughter? I decided right then and there that if it does involve his daughter, then I want to help. That girl was too important, for me to ignore whatever the hell was going on. After I had babysat her, I had started missing her like crazy. Sure she was crazy with the sugar high and all that but she was still so cute.

With that decision made, I got out of my car and did the one thing I thought I would never have to do. I opened my boot and lifted the spare tyre that was there. I pushed a hidden but revealing a hidden compartment. I opened the hidden compartment and lying there was a stack of clothes, a few guns, boxes of ammo and a few other things. My father had installed it when he bought the car. It was there in case of an emergency. All the ammo and guns were untraceable. I'm not sure how my father did it but I had an unlimited supply of different bullets and guns in a hidden space in a shed at the back of the house.

In that shed was a small hidden latch that when pulled a door would open in the floor. After pulling open the door and walking down the stairs you would see all four walls of the room stacked with multiple guns. On one side of the room where multiple rows of shelves that had different types of ammo in it. I wasn't sure how the ammo kept getting refilled but I'm guessing it's the same person my father must buy his guns from. I wasn't sure why a multi-billionaire would need untraceable guns and ammo but he never answered when I asked.

The one thing my mother taught me was women should never sit on something that has food in it or food goes on because a woman bleeds and sitting on a place where we eat from is bad luck. My father had actually taught me multiple things. He loved guns, hunting and computers. He often went out hunting or to a plot of land at the back of our house to practice his shooting. The rest of my family couldn't stand guns but I found them fascinating. My father was glad someone in his family was willing to learn them. Even if it was me. He taught me how to strip, clean and then reassemble a gun. He taught me how to aim, shoot, reload, work the safety, what to do if a gun jams and how to carry a concealed gun. He even taught me how to hack into systems if I needed to find anyone and how to use a knife in hand to hand combat. I had asked him how he knew how to do all these things but he would just smile at me until I dropped it. These were my secret hobbies that not many people knew about. Not even Lucas.

I quickly look around and saw no one in site. I changed into some comfy black pants that looked like normal leggings but had multiple hidden pockets near the belt area to carry extra ammo or knives. The top was stretchy which allowed me to add my in waistband holsters easily. The pants were still sturdy enough though to not slide down due to the weight of the gun. I put on a cute dark red t-shirt that was lightweight and loose, making me look more cute then deadly and helped to conceal the guns. I grabbed my 2 holsters and put them on the small of my back on each side. I grabbed my G43 guns checking over everything. Making sure the chamber was clear and they were still sliding and working they way it was meant too. I loaded the guns before holstering them. The guns I had changed after learning kickboxing. I was more comfortable with hand to hand combat now, so changed the guns for a something smaller that was easier to carry. I grabbed a couple hunting knives putting one in each of my black high top timberlands. I then pulled out a lightweight black leather jacket that I could easily move around in. I grabbed some extra ammo and put them into a secret pocket on each side of my jacket. I did have to change the clothes once I lost weight since I didn't want clothes that were too big in an emergency.

I arrived at the front door of Ryder's house and knocked. The yelling inside quietened down slightly and then the door was pulled open. A scrawny stick thin guy that was only just taller than me opened the door. I had never seen this person in my life. I noticed the vest he was wearing. Devils Army. S***! He gave me a blank look and I kept a straight face as I looked at him. "Where's Ryder?" I asked. He made a motion for me to stay where I was and went back inside. No patch. He was a prospect then. The bum boy until he earned his way into the gang.

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