The traitors and The Gates

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After what seemed like an eternity all the lights turned on. We thought we would see six dead bodies but they were just knocked out or sleeping.
The director, (the director is the highest position person in each city and have the power to grant powers to those who clear the trial), came in front of us four "survivors" and said:
-This may be the worse trial you could have gotten, but as luck would have it, it was not about defeating the dragon but surviving it. If a war ever break out we want survivors not a heap of dead bodies and that is why I can with good heart give you four people the powers you were promised at birth.
And suddenly just like that a light rose from the hand of the director and then flew thru us four survivors and by doing so we could feel our powers spread thru our bodies.
-Now then, when you enter the second stage of your life's, be ready for everything, for one day the State or I may call upon your talents in times of trouble, said the Director as he finished talking.
That night we went to bed happy, not knowing what would come.

Two years later, after we were gifted our powers, we have been training. As promised I got the power to copy abilities, Rose got the power to use properties of plants instantly, instead of making a medicine from the plants she just had to be near the right plants and then touch the person she tried to heal or poison for it to work. Jack, always the diplomat, got the power to talk to any creature and humanoid no matter what language or other methods of communication they used, he could understand them directly and communicate with the other person or creature. Lyra got the power of the sirens. The power of the sirens is that of songs that control other beings into doing your bidding.
To try out my newfound power, the first thing I did was copy Lyra's power and then try it out. As I remembered I only got a lesser version of that power, so I started to sing in the middle of town with the intention of control people to dance, but instead they started walking towards me like they were possessed. I sang a little longer and as the first person came into contact with me I stopped singing. When people came to, they rubbed the head and went back to what they were doing, with no memories of what I had done.
I tried this many times over the last two years and over this two years I learned to control which people to control, but it was always the same power, luring people in.
I also copied Jack's ability but I could only understand what someone said when they were talking directly to me, not the people around who was not talking to me, like Jack could.

Still at the same year I started dating Rose, it was one of my happiest days ever. Since I loved her dearly, I did everything for her. I even made sure not to copy her powers so that everything would go smoothly.
One year later she said she loved me. I was so happy I cried.
One year after that we married each other. We moved in together in our new apartment. Rose got an ordinary job at a shop and I started to do some menial work for the Director. We were happy.

At our nineteenth birthday's, the war started with the Minats. The Minats were former slaves from our neiboring country where slavery was still legal, but thanks to the lack of education, they attacked everyone no matter what country they lived in, even thou slavery was illegal in our own country. But thanks to the war, we were drafted. Now the thing with people who have gotten the power through the test, when they are drafted they are put in one of the special squads made for the most dangerous and difficult missions.
It was not a surprise when me, Rose, Jack and Lyra was put in our own squad, I was picked to be the leader, the one accountable for any wrongdoings we may be doin in the future.
We trained for three months and thanks for our previous training for the test, we were ready for war.

We were sent on many missions, often infiltration thanks to the power of Jack and Rose. Often Jack would use his powers to speak to people, befriending them and then Rose would come and knock our targets out or poison them depending on the missions, while me and Lyra was on backup.
We had now been in war for 18 months and according to the news outlets we were nearing the end of the war with the Minats, thanks to every other countries puting up blockades. But what we did not count on was what was going to happen next.
We where on our last mission, trying to kidnap a higher-up in our own country that was supplieing the Minats with weapons and information. It was one hundred percent of the books.
Everything was starting the mission in the ordinary way, Jack distracted the guards while Rose sneaked inside. But when Rose found the target, that's when everything went wrong. They knew we were coming. Rose was ambushed and shot several times, just barely escapeing. Jake got knocked out by one of the guards he thought he had fooled. Lyra got captured when she tried to rescue Jack. I was the only one able to escape unharmed.
I went directly to the rendezvous site, just in time to meet Rose for one last time. She was bleeding everywhere and would barely stay conscious. I tried to save her, I really tried. In one last effort, I don't know why I did it, but I tried to copy all of her, so I could save her before she died. But it did not work. I got a part of her powers and then a power surge happened that knocked me out.

I woke up several hours later, traped in a cell with Lyra and Jack. They had branded us as traitors and apparently we were waiting for our punishments. We sat there for days without saying much and only drinking and eating the bear minimum. I had gone into a wierd place in my mind muttering Rose name over and over and nothing else.
On our seven day in the cell our punishment was finally ready for us, and we got the ultimate punishment, The Gate.

The Gate is a punishment where you get sent through a gate of some sort, it could be a door, a portal or a hole in the ground all leading to different worlds. When you get sent to another world they also take your memories of who you are, resulting in a permanent state of amnesia, they would also have taken our powers if possible, but ones you earned your power, it can't get removed.

I, Jack and Lyra got piled up in a line with then other traitors, they sent the first ten, unknowned people through different gates, all screaming in horror when they lose their memories. We just stod there silent, waiting our turn. First was Jack's turn, he got an old wooden door, the guard open the door and pushed him thru, just as he nodded at me and Lyra. Then Lyra got thrown down a hole, but she never screamed, just fell.
My Gate was something out of the ordinary, is was like a door for some kind of large moving structure. The door open by it self and I got thrown in. And just when I got pushed in I gave the guards a creepy smile, and their faces changed from stoic, to horror as the door closed behind me.
Now I could start.

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