After saying that Jungkook walked off, Jin smiled satisfied with himself because this Jungkook guy looked like he had money which is what Jin needed, he also was young, and attractive, a perfect combination that Jin rarely saw in his line of work. He defiantly hit the jackpot.

Jungkook had referred to him as an angel; Jin couldn't help but laugh at how wrong he was.


"Wow Kookie! You're only 20 minutes early instead of 30! I think you're slacking."

Taehyung, Jungkook's coworker and friend came over to him, playfully patting his back. It was good to be early so Jungkook didn't understand why the others made fun of him. Jungkook pushed the elders hand away making his way over to the meeting room, Taehyung tagging along beside him.

"So... Why are you less early than usual?" Taehyung questioned. In all the 6 months that Jungkook worked there he'd always been precisely 30 minutes early. Taehyung had actually gotten a little worried when the 30 minute mark passed.

Jungkook shrugged trying to brush it off, "Something held me up..."

Taehyung's eyebrows raised at this, Jungkook lived alone, walked to work, which was very close to his apartment, didn't have any pets, so what in the world held him up? His self-given bedtime was 10 o'clock for fucks sake.  

"Something or someone?" Taehyung tried.

Jungkook chocked at this, trying his best to recover, but it was too late, bingo.

"My little Kookie met someone? Who?" Taehyung said excitedly causing the eyes of others to land on them.

"No one! It was nothing, jeez Tae, we're about to have a meeting so shut up," Jungkook huffed out a sigh to calm himself as they entered the meeting room.


As promised around 5 when Jungkook finished work the first thing he did was walk back to his apartment to get his car so he could drive to the street corner Jin mentioned. It was an area Jungkook rarely went by and so he felt better driving, and also so Jin didn't have to walk, he probably did a lot of that. 

Anybody he told this to would probably think he's crazy, which is why he couldn't tell anyone. That he had some strange feelings for a prostitute that he just met, that he compared said prostitute to an angel, which had to be blasphemy. However Jungkook wasn't religious.

He found 68th street and drove around slowly, looking for pink hair and plump lips. Jungkook had probably been looking around for about 5 minutes when he heard a tap on his driver side window; a little startled, he looked over and spotted his angel. He rolled down the window and stared at Jin. The man was in makeup, his lips stained rosy red, beautiful brown eyes, lined with black and his skin looked smooth as a babies butt, but that wasn't the half of it. He wore a black long-sleeved crop top, a bit of his flat stomach showing along with pink booty shorts.  

Jungkook's face felt like it was lite on fire.

Jin gave a knowing smirk, "So, you come around here often?"

Jungkook swallowed hard, looking Jin up and down trying to process why this angel suddenly looked like sin personified, tempting Jungkook to just...

"I'll come for you anytime- I mean please get in the car!" Jungkook scolded himself mentally for letting that slip.

Jin laughed as he walked around to the passenger side, ignoring the gazes of other jealous prostitutes as he gave his ass a little shake and hopped in Jungkook's expensive car.

Jungkook started driving as soon as Jin shut the door, not wanting to get caught in this area by anyone he worked with. All the while Jin kept smiling up at Jungkook.

"Where to handsome?"

"My apartment, Jin why are you dressed like that?"

Jin slipped his thumb into the waist band of his pink shorts pulling on them and drawing Jungkook's eye, "What these? Look, I had no guarantee that prince charming was actually going to pick me up in his..." Jin looked appreciatively at Jungkook vehicle, "Expensive car, so I had to dress up nice encase plans fell through."

Jungkook was never planning on standing Jin up, he'd meant what he said and he was a man of his word. Still Jungkook couldn't help but feel a bit sad as he looked at Jin; this is how he dressed to sell himself. Very different from the over-sized hoodie he'd found Jin sleeping in the park wearing.

"Before we go any further," Jin said, his voice taking on a serious tone. "I need 100 up front if I'm going to spend the night with you prince charming."

Jungkook was again reminded of the fact that Jin was a prostitute meaning he got paid for sex. Jungkook had no such plans for Jin; in fact he had no idea what he wanted to do with Jin. All he knew was he looked like an angel and Jungkook felt like a sinner to turn his back on him. He didn't want a one night stand, only for Jin to return to the streets, he wanted to give Jin a home.

Some may call Jungkook an absolute mad man for what he said next,

"Just live with me and I'll pay all your expenses."
A/N Let me know what you think!
Twitter: SugarLace3

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