The Salvatore Fight

Start from the beginning

"Look, you're not turning yourself in. Bonnie's herbs are working and we have Originals to kill."

"His morals get very questionable when he has revenge on the brain," Damon jokes to Alaric about Stefan. I roll my eyes.

"Klaus needs to die," Stefan growls at Damon. "We finally have the chance to kill him, so you are not turning yourself in," he tells Alaric, walking back to grab another stake.

"He's right," I mutter, catching their attention. I jump down from the kitchen counter, walking closer to the trio. "If we're going to take the Originals down, we'll need all hands on deck. Something that won't happen if you're behind bars." I cross my arms as I stare at Alaric. Damon stands up, walking up to Alaric, handing him his ring.

"Here's your ring, Ric. Put it on."

Alaric is hesitant, "That ring is the reason I've killed people."

"It's also the reason you're alive. You're going vampire hunting, Ric. Wear it." After a second of contemplation, Alaric takes the ring, slipping it onto his finger.


I walk in the woods beside my brothers. We sent a message for the whole gang to meet us so we can tell them about the stakes. A few feet ahead I spot Elena, Caroline, and Matt. Listening in I hear Matt speak, "Hey. What's with the cryptic secret meeting text?"

"I don't know," Elena shrugs. "Stefan just said to meet here."

"Where's Bonnie?" Stefan asks, his voice alerting them to our presence. They turn to face us. "I texted her too."

"Um, Bonnie's mom bailed on her. Again. So, I think we should leave her out of this one," Caroline mumbles in response. We nod our heads in understanding. I had Stefan fill me in on what's been happening with Bonnie last night.

"What are we doing here?" Matt asks, before glancing in my direction. "And who are you?"

I smirk, reaching out my hand for him to shake, he does so hesitantly. "The name's Lily, Lily Salvatore, and might I say it is a pleasure to meet you." I wink at him as our hands pull away, causing a faint pink to tinge his cheeks. "And you as well Caroline. I am sorry to hear what happened to your dad." I reach my hand out in Caroline's direction, she takes it, eyeing me up in the process, before we separate.

"We found some more white oak," Damon announces. "Long story, wait for the movie," he tells them in anticipation to their endless questions.

"Hang on. White oak? You have a weapon that can kill Klaus?" Elena asks, her eyes wide.

"Nope. We all have a weapon," Stefan replies, dropping the duffle bag full of white oak stakes. Their eyes fly to it. "Klaus has always been one step ahead of us, but now we have the advantage. We're all armed and they are all linked, meaning we only need to kill one of them. We need to seize the best opportunity, which means we need to prepare for every opportunity," Stefan informs everyone.

"Scenario number one," Damon speaks. "You get to play Klaus," Damon says moving Elena. She mumbles a 'Okay', stepping into place.

"Rebekah is our target so we distract her and catch her off guard. To do that we need to keep Klaus separate and occupied." Stefan turns to shoot me a look, "Lily."

I roll my eyes, "Why do I have to be Klaus bait?" I groan.

"Because you two have some weird relationship thing and he's obsessed with you," Damon quips at me, "but for right now we need you to play Rebekah and we'll use the quarterback to distract her."

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