Chapter 60: Teen Vogue Compliments

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Maria's Pov:

Today the boys and i were invited by Teen Vogue to do a compliments challenge. The six of us left home around 10 in the morning and were at the studio around 11 am. Once we had arrived at the Teen Vogue studio, we all piled out of the car. We walked into the studio and were greeted by the hosts. Before we started filming, we put our belongings in our dressing room and we walked back out to the studio. The three walls the were surrounding us were white and there was a table with a green buzzer in the middle. The hosts told us the rules about the challenge and it's basically if you laugh you lose. 

"This isn't fair. Maria is the hardest one to crack." Joel said pouting.

"Lo siento potato. Best of luck." I replied with a smile. He rolled his eyes and the six of us were around the table. The positions that we were in was Christopher, Erick, Me, Richard, Zabdiel then Joel. 

"You guys good to start?" The host asked.

"Yea we are all good." I replied. The host counted us down and soon enough the filming started.

"Hello everybody we are." Erick started off.

"CNCO." The boys said together,

"And i'm Maria." I added in.

"And we are about to do a compliment battle." Richard finished off. We all cheered and Joel said;

"Hey, i like your shoes."

First battle was between Christopher and Joel.

"Hermoso." Christopher started. Richard, Zabdiel and Erick started laughing and Christopher started to smile.

"He's laughed." Joel said.

"No, no. They laugh." Christopher replied whilst pointing to the boys behind him.

"Hermoso." Christopher started again.

Both Joel and Christopher started to smile and they pointed at each other.

"Bro, los dos se estan riendo. (Bro, the two of you are laughing)" Erick said.

"Ok i'm sorry." Chris said. They both settled down until Joel said;

"3....2...1. Give me a second." Christopher busted out laughing.

"He laughed, he laughed." Joel said whilst pointing towards the laughing Ecuadorian. Richard started tapping the buzzer.

"What." Christopher said whilst giggling. Next it was Joel and I.

"Quisiera ser un mosquito para entrar en tu mosquiteros decirte bien bajito lo mucho cue to quiero." Joel said. He then repeated it in English. After Joel finished reading out the card Christopher started laughing again.

"Si fueras un doctor, me tiraria de las escaleras todos tod dias. (If you were a doctor, i'd throw myself down the stairs every day.)" I replied to Joel whilst keeping a straight face. Joel started laughing along with Christopher. I looked into the camera and grinned. Next it was Erick and Zabdiel. I stood next to Christopher and watched the two boys at the table.

"Damn bro." Erick said and bent over trying to hold in a laugh. Christopher, Richard and i were giggling to ourselves.

"Damn Papi." Zabdiel said. Christopher laughed again.

"Is that it?" Richard asked.

"Say it in Spanish." Christopher said to Zabdiel.

"Ya lo dije en espanol." Zabdiel replied. Christopher, Richard and i busted out laughing whilst Joel only had a smile.

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