Chapter One

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It was a calm day in the ocean. The Octopod glided smoothly through the still water casting ripples in its wake. Up in the HQ Dashi was guiding the ship to a spot to land; next to her Shellington was looking through his files on different sea creatures in this area. Captain Barnacles arrived in the HQ through one of the Octochutes, heading over to the two Octonauts sitting down who turned to greet him smiling.

"Hey Captain."

"Have we got a place to land, Dashi?"

Dashi consulted her screen. "There's a nice flat area over there which we can land."

"Let's go there then," agreed the Captain.

Dashi pressed the buttons to move the Octopod into position and gently alighted it onto the floor of the ocean. Shellington stood up stretching and looking out of the window at their surroundings. It looked pretty calm, a small coral reef of all different colours around them but no fish as of yet. Dashi joined him, putting one hand to her camera at  her neck and her eyes opening wide as she surveyed the reef with a growing look of wonder.

"This place is beautiful!" she gasped. The Captain came up beside her.

"Looks like we picked a good place to set up camp for a bit, to explore around. This area has never been explored properly and that's what we're going to do," the captain stated.

Shellington was looking through one of his books.

"There should be some incredible species of animal in this area, some that have never been discovered before," Shellington said excitedly.

"And we'll be the first to find them!" Dashi agreed with the same amount of enthusiasm as the sea otter. Captain Barnacles chuckled in amusement.

"Well let's not waste any time. Dashi, Shellington, sound the Octo-Alert."

The two scientists as one ran over to the Octo-Alert button and pressed it grinning at each other as they did so. The Captain spoke with authority as the familiar alarm begun to blare around the ship.

"Octonauts, to the HQ."

The screen showed Peso running along the corridor, Dashi turning around on her seat looking interested, Kwazii stopping polishing his spyglass in his room and jumping to his feet and Tweak climbing up the ladder in the Launch Bay. When everyone got there the Captain was standing in his usual spot with all the Octonauts gathered around him.

"As you all can see we have landed in an area of the ocean which no one has ever explored before. Our mission is to discover new creatures and places in this part of the ocean. Shellington?" He beckoned to the scientist to continue.

"Oh right." Shellington cleared his throat. "This part of the ocean is said to have many beautiful incredible creatures in, but no one has ever recorded any sightings of any. I haven't seen any yet, but..." Shellington looked out of the window once more, his vision panning over the reef. There was no sign of anything moving, any fish swimming or even any small sea creatures. The area seemed totally deserted.

"W where are a all the fish?" Peso stuttered nervously. "I don't see any."

"I don't, er, actually know, Peso. But we're here to find out. I volunteer to go out and explore this area for the very first time Captain!" Shellington looked hopeful and excited.

"Okay, Shellington, though you have to be careful. These are unexplored waters, remember, and there could be anything out there. And well ... you're not always the best driver. Maybe you should take somebody with you?"

"I'll go!" Dashi volunteered. "There's bound to be some great pictures to take out there. And I can drive a bit better than Shellington." Shellington laughed ruefully at that.

"I guess that's true. Okay, we can go, Captain?"

The Captain nodded assent. "Good luck. Send us some pictures, Dashi. Show us what's out there. And you two..." Shellington and Dashi paused in their way to the Octo chute. "Be careful. We're right here if you need us."

"Yes Captain." "Thanks Captain!" came the two voices as they disappeared down the OctoChute. The Captain smiled and sighed, shaking his head in amusement. Tweak, beside him, walked towards the ladder leading to the Launch Bay.

"I'd better go let them out," she said in her Southern American accent.

When Tweak got to the Launch Bay Dashi and Shellington were already there. Dashi was checking her camera and Shellington was carrying a pile of books. They both looked up when they saw Tweak coming.

"The Gup E, please Tweak," Shellington asked.

"Sure thing Shellington," Tweak replied, going over to the desk and pressing the button to bring up the Gup E to the surface. Dashi took her place at the controls and Shellington jumped in behind her, putting his books down on a seat and running to stand next to her.

"Could you open the Octo Hatch please Tweak?" Dashi asked.

"Sure thing Dashi. Good luck out there guys, contact us if you need help," Tweak said, pulling the lever and waving before heading back to her workshop biting into a carrot. The Gup E disappeared out of the Launch Bay tank out into the unexplored ocean.

Hi there, this is a new story about the Octonauts. I've written two so far so check those out if you haven't already. I hope you enjoy this story, vote and comment if you like it!

The Octonauts and the Overfishing Incident (complete)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu