"Here," I say, handing her the shirt. "The bathroom is right there behind you. Take all the time you need, I'll wait for you in bed."

She nods before turning on her heel and entering the bathroom. As soon as the door clicks shut, I strip off my clothes down to my boxers and enter my large, warm bed as I wait for her. Checking my phone, I see I have one message from Axel. 

We ready for tomorrow. What time we leaving?

Meet for 10 and leave shortly after. I got Roxanne here & don't want to rush her home. Make sure Slade and Tommy know they are to stay at the bar tonight.

Got it. I won't keep you from your lady friend any longer. ;)

Fuck off and don't be late tomorrow. 

Don't forget the condom brother.

I roll my eyes and place the phone on the nightstand. Moments later, Roxanne exits the bathroom. Her long hair is wrapped up in a high bun and what little makeup she wore earlier is now scrubbed from her face. My shirt drapes from her body and ends mid-thigh. 

She looks amazing and I can't stop my dick from stirring. 

"I claimed one of your spare toothbrushes," She says as she jumps onto the bed beside me. "I hope you don't mind."

"What's mine is yours, love."

I lift the blanket over her small frame and wrap her into my side. She takes the opportunity to lay her head on my shoulder before drawing small circles over my torso with her delicate fingers. The gentle movement brings a calm that I wasn't expecting, lulling me into a deep sleep. 

But just before I succumb to it, I am sure I hear her whisper, "I'm sorry."

Remind me to ask about that tomorrow. 

Waking up with my beauty should have been an unforgettable experience, yet I was robbed of it

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Waking up with my beauty should have been an unforgettable experience, yet I was robbed of it. Instead, she was gone - only a note with an 'I had to go' left where she once slept beside me. No number. No address. Not a single way to contact her. I couldn't help the foul mood it left me in. 

So, I had a rushed, miserable shower with a throbbing cock begging for release before throwing on some clothes and riding back to the bar. I grew even angrier when I saw that her teal motorcycle was not in the parking lot. Instead, a couple dozen black bikes of my men were lined up outside the still-wrecked building. 

Entering the bar, I must have had some kind of terrifying look from my face because most of my men wouldn't even look me in the eye as I walked past them. 

Well, all of them except Axel. He had one of his stupid grins plastered to stupid face. 

"What the fuck do you want?" I growl as I grab a bottle of rye from behind the bar and take a quick swig. 

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," He says, that grin growing larger. "Did you blow your load early or something? Saw Roxanne take off pretty early this morn'."

"And you didn't think to call me about it?"

"Nah, she seemed to be going through some women shit." He shrugs his shoulder and takes the bottle from me. "Wasn't about to get into that bullshit."

"You should have told me," I say through gritted teeth. 

He shrugs again and I feel like I am going to explode with how infuriating he is being. "You know I'm not good with that shit, Jax," Axel says before taking a long sip of my whiskey. "Besides, I had Ryder follow her. He told me she got home safely at about seven this morn."

I sigh, relieved. "Thanks, man. Tell him to send me her address."

"Already done. Don't you know by now that I got you covered? I could do your job and mine with my arms tied behind my back." He winks and I shove him away from me. 

Turning towards my men, I yell, "Everyone know the plan?" I watch for everyone to nod their heads. "Let's ride!"

We head out of the bar one by one, hopping onto our bikes. We all fire them up together, a thunderous roar echoing around us. I gesture for everyone to follow me, then take off towards our destination. 

Somewhere behind me, I hear the familiar guitar of Ozzy's Crazy Train and I smile. My men know how to it works. They know what we need to get in the zone before we get to work. 

And when we arrive, we're ready. 


Author's Note:

Short chapter, but I promise to make it up in the next. Let me know what you think in the comment section. I would love to hear your thoughts and criticisms. They help me out greatly!

Also, let me know why you think Roxanne left so early. Seems like a shady thing to do. 

As always, thanks for reading!

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