Ch. 1

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Hey, you're probably wondering how I got into this situation. Well, let's go to when I meet them. Who are them you might ask? They are Daniel and Jonah. I love them both equally.

Zach's POV (1 year earlier)
I was walking around school and bumped into the hottest guy I've ever seen, but he was my school bully. His name was Daniel. Daniel hated me with a passion. He then smirked. He then picked me up and shoved me in a locker. See Daniel hates me because I'm the only gay kid in this school. (Or so he thought) I walk home and the usual happens Daniel drives by me and calls me a Faggot. I was used to it already. I got home and helped Ryan with his math homework. "Zach are you okay?" Ryan asked. I then realized I was zoned out for a few minutes. "Sorry, Ryan I was just thinking," I said. "About?" Ryan asked. "I was thinking about this really hot guy," I said. "Shit I'm sorry Ryan you weren't supposed to know," I said. "Wait for Zach your gay?" Ryan asked. I just ran up to my room.

The next day

There was this new kid named Jonah. He is super hot and I wonder if he is gay or at least bisexual. I was walking when I bumped into Jonah. "Ouch, I think I just broke my arm," I said. "Oh my goodness Zach are you okay?" Jonah asked. "No, I think I broke my arm," I said. I later went to the hospital and I indeed broke my arm. They put a cast on it. Jonah is super nice. He has been taking notes for me. I walked into the 6th period and I saw a new seating chart. I sat next to Daniel. "Hey, Herron long time no see," Daniel said. I gulped. "Looks like we are lab partners. Well, I'm not doing the work so you do it." Daniel said. I was about to talk but then he tried to punch me but stopped before he hit my face. "Mr. Garcia Can I go to the restroom," I asked wanting to leave this class. "Sure, Zach." He said and I left.

Daniel's POV
He is really that scared of me. Wow, I need to talk to him. I honestly don't know why I started hurting or bullying him. He is so cute and nice. Wait Daniel stop your not gay. I said to myself.

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