Scared of the dark

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"They work!" Adam yelled as he entered a strange cabin in the forest which looked semi abandoned; flicking the lights on, Adam, Kai and Mira all entered tentatively, they searched for any people or any recently used items to indicate if the cabin is still occupied or not, but instead just came across broken objects scattering the floor and cobwebs trailing across the wall, "whoever was here is long gone by now" Kai stated as he turned over an old rusted football trophy, "yeah I guess your right" Adam shrugged, him and Mira both making a space on the floor to settle down, they kicked broken glass and twigs to create a small clearing. The pair was startled by a loud bang coming from Kai's end of the room, Adam ran quickly to Kai a protective feeling flaring up in his chest, for some reason he got really protective over Kai, like yeah he knew that Kai was tough and could look after himself but he couldn't quite put his finger on the fuzzy feeling he got when he was around him, every time Kai made a dumb comment or every time he smiled widely after achieving something; especially every time he hid behind Adam, he loved the fact Kai went to him for protection. "What happened?!?! Are you okay??!!" Adam placed a hand on Kai's shoulder not noticing the crimson tint to Kai's cheeks, "umm *cough*... oh yeah sorry false alarm guys it was just a spider my bad" Kai laughed awkwardly "but seriously Adam can u get rid of it" he added to the end, this caused Adam to laugh "sure thing"

Adam and Mira both sat down in the space they made saving a spot for Kai next to Adam, there conversation was going great just taking about general stuff that had happened in the game and how the other team were not going to beat them, "if we didn't have powers I bet Adam would still be the strongest outta both teams by a mile" Kai stated proudly causing both there faces to turn red, and in unison they both turned and looked at the floor, the room was silent as Kai's chest filled with butterflies oh my god did he actually say that out loud, he mentally kicked himself, "yeah probably" Mira broke the awkward silence before quickly changing the subject "what's that noise" she asked tilting her head a little to the side at a small buzz noise she could hear coming from the lights, this caused Kai to look around then back at her "what noise??" "Well if I knew I wouldn't of asked" Adam laughed at the two before joining in "I don't hear a noise".

They went back to the conversation they were having before, then suddenly the lights flickered causing Kai's head to perk up, he shuffled a little closer to Adam and the lights flickered again, he emitted a little flame on his pinky finger to which Mira retaliated by slapping his hand "what're u thinking, we're in a wooden cabin with god knows what in here it's just a flickery light worst that'll happen is it'll turn off, nothings going to get you Kai" she rolled her eyes before laying down on her back "just get some sleep you two". Adam and Kai both looked at each-other "I'm not tired" "me neither", both boys shrugged before carrying on with their conversation; the lights flickered a few times this time "ughhh" Kai groaned placing his head in his hands as his breathing increased a little "hey... Kai are you urm okay??" Adam asked scratching the back off his neck "yeah I'm fin-" Kai screeched as the lights fully turned off coating the room in darkness, he grabbed Adams arm and was practically sat on him " I'm... im not okay" he stuttered scrambling as close to Adam as possible "what's wrong??" Adam said with flushed cheeks, "what do you think, it... it's dark and well I....I urm..... ugh I don't like the dark okay!" Kai was getting frustrated with his fear it was such a childish thing to do, "it's okay loads of people are afraid of the dark"Adam comforted placing an arm over Kai's shoulders, Kai shuffled back actually sitting in Adams lap, he fitted perfectly as Adam was sat cross legged. both boys thanked the dark as there faces were covered with an even darker/ very noticeable blush, Kai's breathing started to increase again as he jumped at every little noise and moved his head frequently at the same shadows of branches from outside "hey, Kai it's okay" Adam said softly rocking him a little, Kai closed his eyes tightly and buried his face into the crook of Adams shoulder, his face got even redder (if that's possible) and his chest felt tight with butterflies as he absorbed the warmth from Adam "I don't know why I'm being such a baby" a shiver going through Adam as he felt Kai's warm breath against his skin, "your not being a baby, loads of people are scared of the dark, heck if u were a baby u would be one brave baby" he said causing Kai to quietly laugh "oh shut up" Kai said nuzzling into Adams shoulder a bit more making himself comfortable, damn Adam smelt good and it drove Kai crazy.

They had sat like this for awhile and talked about loads of different things to calm Kai down "oh my god, I would so eat a pancake right now" Kai stated licking his lips, causing Adam to stiffen as Kai accidentally licked Adams neck, "urm Adam you okay" "y..yep" Adam said trying to keep his thoughts on the conversation they were just having and not trying to think of the softness of Kai's lips when he nuzzled him or how the feeling sent shivers through his bones, "-am Adam?" "Oh urm yeah sorry" Kai leaned his head in closer to Adam so there noses touched, a smirk spread across his face "can I kiss you??" This caught Adam by surprise as he could hardly speak so instead he just slowly nodded, Kai pressed his lips gently to Adams, it was quick but felt like it was in slow motion as fireworks and butterflies filled both boys chests, Kai pulled away before being pulled in for another this time longer and more pressure, one of Adams hands fell to Kai's hips tugging him closer. as the other pressed against the back of his head; Kai's hands connected comfortably at the back of Adams neck as they carried on kissing "wait" Adam said between kisses both boys resting there foreheads together "why did you start kissing me" he asked causing Kai to smirk again and start playing with the bottom of Adams hair "well I've had a crush on u for a while but never actually thought you would like me back because I thought you were straight" "wait so how did u find out I wasn't straight" "well I didn't fully know until just now, I kind of guessed at the fact that when I accidentally licked your neck you didn't do much to hide your excitement" Kai stated with a smirk, Adam looked down then back up at Kai before turning such a dark red that I don't think it's humanly possible to be this colour, "Adam I am sat on your lap you know" Kai laughed before pulling him in for another kiss.


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