Chapter 25

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Rosie's PoV
When I wake up I'm back in my bedroom, harry must've bought me up. It's 2am and I'm not feeling quite so little now so I can actually function properly. Being really little makes me cling to anyone that's why my brothers are so protective around me, I think. I climb out of the bed without making a sound and sneak downstairs, it's empty. Nows one of the best chances I'm gonna get to either get outta here or look around a bit. I walk around to make sure there isn't any cameras or bedrooms down here so I know they will either not know I was down here orrrr I have a little extra time to run, but they do have cars so...  anyways, once I've checked the rooms it's clear all that is down here is 3 study rooms, kitchen, living-room and a proper gaming room. Oh and a spare bedroom but empty.  There's many windows but they're all locked by key so if I find the key that's a way out because they are all quite big so I could fit out easily and they're quite low so I wouldn't struggle too much. Doors only the one into the garden and the one we must've come through when I was bought here so just be front door... I hear movement upstairs so I stand, slightly hidden at the bottom of the stairs but the noise stops so I just forget about it

Harry's PoV
I wake up and something doesn't feel right, I don't know what but something is wrong. I hear a slight noise downstairs but just ignore it and it stops. Well it's 4am so no point going back to bed, I strip and walk into my bathroom, turning on and stepping into the shower.

Rosie's PoV
I hear a shower turn in upstairs and swiftly but quietly head upstairs and sprint to my bedroom, out of breath, i push the door up but not completely shut and climb into the crib snuggling up to my teddy bear and closing my eyes. Woah that was successful, I slowly drift off into a light sleep and dream about being home. It's about 9am when Harry walks in and over to my cupboard, he's holding a bag, he pulls out 3 dresses and 3 pairs of jeans plus 4 tshirt. Ooh new clothes!! (All at the top.). After he puts them away, he turns to face me, I yawn and stretch before making eye contact with him and hiding slightly behind my stuffie. I smile at him and whine to be picked up, I am feeling really little. Harry smiles at me and walks over, picking me up and hugs me "hey baby girl" I giggle as he talks and poke his cheek. He laughs at me and takes me over to the wardrobe, "what do you wanna wear gorgeous?" I look into the wardrobe and point at a baby blue dress. He nods and gets it out as well as a white set of underwear and shorts cuz he knows what his friends are like probably. He places them and me on the floor and steps outside, I get dressed into the Lacey underwear and baby blue shorts and then  pull the dress over my head, as I do that I walk to the door and push it open to see harry standing there. He admires me for a second before smiling and picking me up, he carries me downstairs and it is 10 am so he puts me on the sofa with Louis before heading to the kitchen. He walks out twenty minutes later with chocolate chip pancakes and hands them to me, I smile and take them "tankies"  he walks away and I eat my foods. After a while, all the boys gather into the living room and sit down. Niall turns on the Xbox and puts on Netflix, "what do you guys wanna watch then?" They all look at Harry "put on adventure time for her" he nods his head over to me and I nuzzle into Niall side, blushing because all the attention is on me.

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